how I can use StreamPlot or VectorPlot to show x[t] and 1-x[t] and show convergence point in my plot with a different colour like a blue point?
G1 = 21290/27
G2 = 23879130/2809
G3 = 13572050/2809
G4 = 1809025/288
U1[t_] := x[t] (G1) + (1 - x[t]) (G2)
U2[t_] := (1 - x[t]) (G3) + x[t] (G4)
x'[t] == x[t] (1 - x[t]) (U1[t] - U2[t])
I want to plot something like below pic:
Epilog -> {Blue, Point[{...,...}]}
, where...
should be replaced by appropriate coordinates. $\endgroup$