In attempting to create a PDF from a series of HEIC files created on my iPhone, I did the following after loading them into a directory on my Windows computer:
input = Import[#, "HEIF"] & /@ FileNames[];
taking advantage of a previous stackExchange post. I then used Acrobat to combine these into a single PDF file. This got me thinking of how to create a single PDF file directly, which was accomplished using another StackExchange post.
nb = Notebook[
Table[Cell[BoxData[ToBoxes@Show[g, ImageSize -> Full]], "Output",
PageBreakBelow -> True], {g, input}]];
This worked, but extraneous pagination and margins appear in the resultant file.
Is there another way to create the single pdf that does not generate the unnecessary pagination and white border?
Ideally, it would be helpful to make each HEIC file smaller before combining while still being able to read the text, since the resultant output is about 713 MB given the large file sizes of the individual HEIC files.