After updating to version 13.1 on macOS 12.4, I discovered that the keyboard shortcut for typesetting a fraction (Insert > Typesetting > Fraction) has changed. In previous versions, the shortcut was Ctrl + /, but now is Ctrl + ´. The old shortcut doesn't do anything in 13.1.
I tried following this answer to change the keyboard shortcut. To my surprise, line 65 of the file
Item[KeyEvent["/", Modifiers -> {Control}], "Fraction"],
which is just the old shortcut. So why doesn't the old shortcut work and how can I restore it?
Edit: I switched to the US keyboard layout, and the old shortcut returned. The problem therefore seems to be with my keyboard layout (Finnish/Swedish) and feels like a bug to me. I'm reporting this to WRI.
builds fractions for me on my Mac, OS v12.3, MMA v13.1.ctrl+'
does nothing I can see. And when I look at the menu itemInsert > Typesetting > Fraction
it sure looks like^ /
to me. $\endgroup$