
As part of another problem, I am working to evaluate hypergeometric functions such as

Hypergeometric2F1[1, 1, n, -1]

for large $n$. I am hoping to obtain at least double-precision accuracy all the way through n = 1600. However, starting as low as n = 200, I obtain precision errors:

N[Hypergeometric2F1[1, 1, 200, -1], 17]
N::meprec: Internal precision limit

Are there ways to tell Mathematica it can use as much time as it wants to compute this quantity? Or are there any other workarounds?

  • $\begingroup$ Try this Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = 100}, N[Hypergeometric2F1[1, 1, 200, -1], 17]] $\endgroup$
    – Spawn1701D
    Commented Jun 7, 2013 at 18:54
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Better: Hypergeometric2F1[1, 1, 200, N[-1, 17]]. The problem is that N[] is by default unable to cope with the exact result being returned by Hypergeometric2F1[]. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 7, 2013 at 19:02

2 Answers 2


Before people get any ideas: although we have the identity:

$${}_2 F_1\left({{1,1}\atop{m}}\mid -1\right)=\frac{m-1}{2}\Phi\left(\frac12,1,m-1\right)$$

where $\Phi(z,s,a)$ is the Lerch transcendent; or, in Mathematica notation:

Hypergeometric2F1[1, 1, m, -1] == (m - 1) HurwitzLerchPhi[1/2, 1, m - 1]/2

the computation becomes even more unstable with that replacement (I'm not really sure why); don't use it.

In any event, we have the relations

$$\begin{align*} {}_2 F_1\left({{1,1}\atop{m}}\mid -1\right)&=2^{m-2}(m-1)\sum_{k=m-1}^\infty \frac1{k 2^k}\\ &=2^{m-2}(m-1)\left(\log\,2-\sum_{k=1}^{m-2}\frac1{k 2^k}\right) \end{align*}$$

where we see why N[] might have a spot of trouble with evaluating the exact expression produced by Hypergeometric2F1[]: $\sum\limits_{k=1}^{m-2}\frac1{k 2^k}\approx \log\,2$, with the difference getting smaller as $m\to\infty$, and we thus see a fair amount of catastrophic cancellation during numerical evaluation. In particular, for $m=200$, $\sum\limits_{k=1}^{m-2}\frac1{k 2^k}$ and $\log\,2$ agree to $61$ (!) decimal places.

Fortunately for us, Hypergeometric2F1[] can cope nicely with inexact arguments:

Hypergeometric2F1[1, 1, N[200, 20], -1]

In short: just supply inexact numbers to Hypergeometric2F1[] at the outset.


Using something very unfancy like the Gauss hypergeometric ascending series will easily solve this problem. See http://dlmf.nist.gov/15.2 . It took me 12 terms for double-precision accuracy for n=200 and 8 terms for n=1600.


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