Suppose that there are 2000 stones in a row.
You should grind 1000 of them to make beads.
The time loads(making beads) for each stone are similar.
But which 1000 stones?
case1) the first 1000 stones.
case2) Let B = RandomSample[Range[2000], 1000]
Then, all b-th stones, where b denotes element of B
If this is a problem of real world, then case1) is faster then case2), because
for case2),
- You have to read the
every time after grinding a stone. - If the next stone to be processed is far away, it will take a long time to go there.
is even not sorted by size.
But, if it was a problem of mathematica,
2000 stones in a row = a list of 2000 elements
grinding a stone = applying function to an element
The time loads for case1) and time loads for case2) should be similar in my opinion.
I experienced that "just because some elements of a list are positionally close, there is no particular advantage to processing(=applying function) them at once(or consecutively)"
Also I believe that "there is a fast mathematica code for case2) always, that takes silmilar time compared to case1)"
Am I thinking correctly?
If so, can you make a fast code for the following problem ?
For L
, square(=apply #^2&
) each b-th element of L
.(leave other element unchanged)
L = Range[40000, 59999];
B = RandomSample[Range[20000], 10000];
My first trial was
MapAt[#^2&, L, {#}&/@B] //Timing
which is never successful.
After some other trials, I realized that MapAt is very slow, in all cases.
The performance was so bad that I felt MapAt should not be used in any case.
Finally I succeeded to shortening the time(using ReplacePart) but it is not neat and I don't think my code is as fast as professional programmer's one.
What skill do you use, when applying a function for a part of list? (faster!)
Can you help me?
cres = lx; cres[[bx]] = lx[[bx]]*lx[[bx]]
. $\endgroup$