I am trying to solve the following differential equation : $$ \nabla\cdot\left(\begin{pmatrix} c_1 & c_2 \\ -c_2 & c_1 \end{pmatrix}\nabla\phi\right) = 0 $$ on a rectangular domain [1,0]x[0,1] with $c_2$ and $c_1$ constant, and $c_2/c_1\gg 1$.
The boundary conditions are $\phi = \pm 1$ on $x=1$ and $x=0$ respectively, and $n\cdot\left(\begin{pmatrix} c_1 & c_2 \\ -c_2 & c_1 \end{pmatrix}\nabla\phi\right) = 0$ on $y = 0$ and $y=1$.
Here's my confusion :
Since c-matrix is constant, this will evaluate to the Laplace equation, and the Neumann boundary condition will become $\partial_y \phi = 0$, and the information about $c_2$ much larger than $c_1$ is lost, and as expected the contour plot looks like :
sol1 = NDSolve[{D[u[x, y], x, x] + D[u[x, y], y, y] ==
NeumannValue[0, y == 0] + NeumannValue[0, y == 1],
DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 1, x == 1],
DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == -1, x == 0]},
u, {x, y} ∈
ImplicitRegion[0 <= x <= 1 && 0 <= y <= 1, {x, y}]];
ContourPlot[u[x, y] /. sol1, {x, y} ∈ mesh]
But if I set up the equation with a c-matrix then the equipotential lines look strange:
Edit: I forgot to say what omegatimestau
is, it’s a function that is proportional to B, in the code snippet below it’s ~ 100, but I get the scratchy lines on the left and right sides of the box even if B = 0.
eqn = Inactive[
Div][{{1, -omegactimestau[B]}, {omegactimestau[B], 1}} .
Inactive[Grad][phi[x, y], {x, y}], {x, y}] == 0;
sol1 = NDSolve[{eqn ==
NeumannValue[0, y == 0] + NeumannValue[0, y == 1],
DirichletCondition[phi[x, y] == 1, x == 1],
DirichletCondition[phi[x, y] == -1, x == 0]},
phi, {x, y} ∈
ImplicitRegion[0 <= x <= 1 && 0 <= y <= 1, {x, y}]]
The plot looks like this:
So, I have two questions :
- How do I set up the problem so that information in the constant c-matrix is not lost?
- What is the strange behavior happening in the second case?
Thank you for reading this.
? $\endgroup$