I wanted to know how can one find an arbitrary number of terms of the non-linear recurrence (using software, like maple)such as $$a_{2n-1}=-\sum_{j=1}^{n}{n+j-1\choose 2j-2}a_{n+j-2}, \ a_{0}=-1$$ $$a_{2n}=-\sum_{j=1}^{n}{n+j\choose 2j-1}a_{n+j-1}.$$ I have tried something like the following code into maple, yet it doesn't yield anything useful,
a := n -> rsolve({a(0) = -1, a(2*n) = -sum(binomial(n + j, 2*j - 1)*a(n + j - 1), j = 1 .. n), a(2*n - 1) = -sum(binomial(n + j - 1, 2*j - 2)*a(n + j - 2), j = 1 .. n)}, a(n), makeproc);
Edit:I know that there is the Mathematica recurrence table, but don't know how to get it working for this particular example. I have also tried the Rsolve as shown above, it works for some examples like the second-order linear recurrences but not for this one.
The link for recurrence table:-https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/RecurrenceTable.html.