I've been trying some different approach but all are not working:
I've got 2 polls, the first with 2 options (and 2 list of people which voted each option), the second with 3 options (and 3 list of people). pollA = {pMenoDi25Anni, pPiùDi25Anni}; pollB = {pLavoroFullTime, pStudioEBasta, pLavoroPartTime};
I'd like to calculate the intersection between each element of pollB (each of which is a set) and pMenoDi25Anni.
I've tried using Thread
In: Thread[Intersection[
pMenoDi25Anni, {pLavoroFullTime, pLavoroPartTime, pStudioEBasta}] ]
Out: {pMenoDi25Anni \[Intersection] pLavoroFullTime,
pMenoDi25Anni \[Intersection] pLavoroPartTime,
pMenoDi25Anni \[Intersection] pStudioEBasta}
It looks like exactly what I am looking for , but after assigning the real values to the this variables I get an unexpected result pLavoroFullTime = {1, 2}; pLavoroPartTime = {3, 4}; pStudioEBasta = {5, 6}; pMenoDi25Anni = {1, 3, 5};
In: Thread[Intersection[ pMenoDi25Anni, {pLavoroFullTime, pLavoroPartTime, pStudioEBasta}] ] Out: {}
Can you explain me what's going on?