I have this function $R(r)$, and $r*R^2$ is a probability density function.
R[n_, l_, r_] :=
Sqrt[(n - l - 1)!/(2*n*((l + 1)!)^3)]*(2/(n*a))^(l + 1/2)*
D[LaguerreL[n + l, (2*r)/(n*a)], {r, 2*l + 1}]*r^l*Exp[-r/(n*a)]
I am basically trying to find the value of $s$ such that the integral of the function $R(r)$ as $r$ goes from $0$ to $s$ is $95\%$ probability.
In the function below, I need the argmin $s$ such that the integral value is at least $0.95$. Solve didn't work for an exact number. How do I set it up to solve for "at least" 0.95?
Solve[Integrate[(r*R[1, 0, r])^2, {r, 0, s}] == 0.95, s]