g1 = GridGraph[{5, 5}]
We can use RotationTransform
and GraphEmbedding
to rotate the vertex coordinates of the input graph:
rotateVCoords[angle_: 30 Degree] := RotationTransform[angle, Mean @ #] @
# &[GraphEmbedding @ #] &
SetProperty[g1, VertexCoordinates -> rotateVCoords[][g1]]
frames = Show[g1,
SetProperty[g1, VertexCoordinates -> rotateVCoords[# Degree][g1]],
PlotRange -> MinMax /@ Transpose[rotateVCoords[45 Degree][g1]],
PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05]] & /@ Range[0, 360, 3];
Export["rotatevcoords.gif", frames, AnimationRepetitions -> ∞]
We can use rotateVCoords
in two ways: (1) With Show
+ SetProperty
to get a Graphics
object, (2) With GraphUnion
+ IndexGraph
to get a Graph
object as output:
ClearAll[rotateAndCombineToGraphics, rotateAndCombineToGraph]
rotateAndCombineToGraphics[angle_: 30 Degree] :=
Show[#, SetProperty[#, VertexCoordinates -> rotateVCoords[angle][#]]] &
rotateAndCombineToGraph[angle_: 30 Degree] :=
GraphUnion[#, IndexGraph[#, 1 + VertexCount @ #],
VertexCoordinates -> Join[GraphEmbedding @ #, rotateVCoords[angle][#]], ##2] &
rotateAndCombineToGraphics[] @ g1
Head @ %
rotateAndCombineToGraph[] @ g1
Head @ %
With the second approach, we can add Graph
ImageSize -> Large,
VertexSize -> Scaled[.03],
VertexLabels -> {v_ :> Placed[Mod[v, VertexCount[g1], 1], Center]}]
rotateAndCombineToGraph[45 Degree][g1,
ImageSize -> Large,
VertexSize -> Scaled[.03],
VertexLabels -> {v_ :> Placed[Mod[v, VertexCount[g1], 1], Center]},
VertexStyle -> {v_ :> If[v > VertexCount[g1], Yellow, LightBlue]},
EdgeStyle -> {_ :> Red, Alternatives @@ EdgeList[g1] :> Gray}]
Overlay[{GridGraph[{5, 5}], Rotate[GridGraph[{5, 5}], 45 Degree]}, Alignment -> Center]
I forgot to write Degree, so deleted the previous comment. $\endgroup$