I have the following code which sets up a Reduce function call:
xX = List[x[0, 0], x[0, 1], x[1, 0], x[1, 1]]
yY = List[y[0, 0], y[0, 1], y[1, 0], y[1, 1]]
psiTarget =
List[Sin[δ], 0, Cos[δ] Cos[γ],
Cos[δ] Sin[γ]]
sqrtlambdaPlus :=
Sqrt[(1/2) (1 + Sqrt[1 - ((Sin[2 δ])^2) (Sin[γ])^2])]
sqrtlambdaMinus :=
Sqrt[(1/2) (1 - Sqrt[1 - ((Sin[2 δ])^2) (Sin[γ])^2])]
varsList = Join[xX , yY]
Reduce[psiTarget == sqrtlambdaPlus*xX + sqrtlambdaMinus*yY &&
xX.yY== 0 && xX.xX== 1 && yY.yY== 1, Flatten[varsList]]
I am unable to get a solution for the Reduce function however, as it keeps running for a very long time. I do expect there to be a solution, but unfortunately I do not get one with this method. The Solve function returns empty brackets, but I don't expect it to. What could be the issue?