Sometimes distribution is too complicated for built-in PDF
command, so it would be useful to have approximatePDF[dist,x,n]
which creates $n$th order approximation.
Below is one such example of distribution (from here) and working implementation of approximatePDF
for $n=2$, can someone make it work for $n>2$?
(* Linear combination of compnents of n-dimensional Dirichlet and n \
integers decaying at rate s.
makeDist[n_, s_] := Module[{xs, dist, qs, rv},
xs = Array[x, n - 1];
dist = DirichletDistribution[ConstantArray[1/2, n]];
qs = Table[(1 - 1/i)^(2 s) 1/i, {i, 2, n}];
rv = qs.xs;
TransformedDistribution[rv, xs \[Distributed] dist]
dist = makeDist[8, 2];
(* approximate PDF of order 2 *)
approximatePDF[dist_, x_, 2] := Module[{},
x1 = Cumulant[dist, 1];
x2 = Cumulant[dist, 2];
PDF[NormalDistribution[x1, Sqrt[x2]], x]
pdf = approximatePDF[dist, x,
2]; (* PDF[dist,x] is too slow *)
density =
Plot[pdf, {x, 0, .1}, PlotStyle -> {Dashed, Gray},
PlotLegends -> {"2nd order"}];
histogram =
SmoothHistogram[RandomVariate[dist, 100000],
PlotLegends -> {"histogram"}];
Show[density, histogram, PlotRange -> All]