
I have a list of numbers and I want to plot the fraction of numbers >= k against k which will naturally be a decreasing curve. How do I do that?


3 Answers 3



test = RandomInteger[100, 100];

ListLinePlot[With[{r = Reverse@Sort@Tally[test]}, 
  Transpose[{Reverse@r[[All, 1]], Reverse@Accumulate@r[[All, 2]]}]]]

enter image description here


You mean something like this?

list = RandomVariate[BinomialDistribution[100, 0.1], {10000}];

You can use list to construct an EmpiricalDistribution, and then use DiscretePlot (if the list is all integers) or Plot (if it's reals) to plot the complement of its CDF.

dist = EmpiricalDistribution[list];

DiscretePlot[1 - CDF[dist, x], {x, 0, 100}, PlotRange -> All]

plot of CDF's complement


Few more alternatives/variations:

data = RandomReal[50, 100];
  1. HistogramList with height spec "SF":

    ListLinePlot[#, PlotRange -> {{0, 60}, Automatic}]&@Thread@PadRight@HistogramList[data, 1000, "SF"]

  2. SurvivalFunction and EmpiricialDistribution

    Plot[SurvivalFunction[EmpiricalDistribution[data], x], {x, 0, 60}, Exclusions -> None]

  3. Plain old Histogram with height spec "SF"

    Histogram[data, 1000, "SF", PlotRange -> {{0, 60}, Automatic}];

enter image description here


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