Given that the response and predictor variables are both positive and structure of the model, one of the coefficients (c1
and c2
) needs to be negative and the other needs to be positive. Excel's answer at least has that property but I don't see why you say that the Excel answer fits the data relatively well.
data = {{60, 1852.94}, {65, 178.035}, {70, 7.97143}, {75, 48.9479}, {80, 133.561},
{85, 8.65079}, {87, 1.78915}};
eq = 1/((x*c1)/((Exp[B1/(x - T0)])^0.75)*(1 - Exp[((Tm - x)*c2)/Tm^2])) /.
{T0 -> 259.246, B1 -> 2595.89, Tm -> 88.2 + 273.15};
excel = {c1 -> -65514626.34, c2 -> 68.4};
Show[ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> All],
Plot[eq /. excel, {x, 60, 87}, PlotStyle -> Red]]
If you start off with estimates of the coefficients with opposite signs, then NonlinearModelFit
finds a better fit.
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data, eq, {{c1, -1}, {c2, 1}}, x, MaxIterations -> 10000];
(* {c1 -> 0.000589194, c2 -> -0.000841265} *)
(* 543.51 *)
Show[ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> All], Plot[nlm[x], {x, 60, 87}]]
Because the estimators of the coefficients given the data and model are nearly perfectly correlated (look at nlm["CorrelationMatrix"]
), there is a great deal of numerical instability. In fact, just setting c2
to some arbitrary number and fitting with just c1
gives an even better fit:
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data, eq /. c2 -> 1, {{c1, -1}}, x, MaxIterations -> 10000];
(* {c1 -> -4.95197*10^-7} *)
(* 496.162 *)
Show[ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> All], Plot[nlm[x], {x, 60, 87}]]
But all fits are horrible. To paraphrase Bullwinkle the Moose: "You need a better model."
Show[{ ListPlot[data], Plot[(E^(2595.89/(-259.246 + x)))^0.75/(c1 (1 - E^(5.092118394960718*^-6 c2 (443.15 - x))) x) /. {c1 ->313634, c2 -> -8434.47}, {x, First[data][[1]], Last[data][[1]]}, PlotRange -> All]
. It shows that the values of c1 and c2 you obtained from excel yield a very bad fit, if any. $\endgroup$