
After solving a function I get a list as a set of rules. {{x -> 0}, {x -> 0, x -> 10.}, {x -> 0, x -> 5.}, {x -> 0, x -> 3.33333}, {x -> 0, x -> 2.5}, {x -> 0, x -> 2.}, {x -> 0, x -> 1.66667}, {x -> 0, x -> 1.42857}, {x -> 0, x -> 1.25}, {x -> 0,x -> 1.11111}, {x -> 0, x -> 1.}. The first entry in the list has a single rule while the all other entries have 2 rules. It might be possible that some entries have 3 rules also. What I need to do is replace all the rules by its values. So the resulting list should be like {{0},{0,10},...}. These are like values of y. Values of x are Range[0,1,0.1].

To plot them, if I had list of numbers rather than a list of rules I could first extract first list as listy1 = y[[;;,1]]; listy2 = y[[;;,2]]; p1 = ListLinePlot[]; p2 = ListLinePlot[]; Show[p1,p2] . This also has a issue that whenever I will run a command list2 = y[[;;,2]], it will fail because the second element of first row does not exist.

Please tell how to do deal with these problems.


1 Answer 1

rules = {{x -> 0}, {x -> 0, x -> 10.}, {x -> 0, x -> 5.}, {x -> 0, 
    x -> 3.33333}, {x -> 0, x -> 2.5}, {x -> 0, x -> 2.}, {x -> 0, 
    x -> 1.66667}, {x -> 0, x -> 1.42857}, {x -> 0, 
    x -> 1.25}, {x -> 0, x -> 1.11111}, {x -> 0, x -> 1.}};

You can use Values:

y = Values[rules]
{{0}, {0, 10.}, {0, 5.}, {0, 3.33333}, {0, 2.5}, {0, 2.}, {0, 1.66667}, 
 {0, 1.42857}, {0, 1.25}, {0, 1.11111}, {0, 1.}}

Use PadRight to inject a non-numeric value (say, Null) on the right for rows with fewer columns than the longest row:

ypadded = PadRight[y, Automatic, Null]
 {{0, Null}, {0, 10.}, {0, 5.}, {0, 3.33333}, {0, 2.5}, {0, 2.}, 
  {0, 1.66667}, { 0, 1.42857}, {0, 1.25}, {0, 1.11111}, {0, 1.}}
listy1 = ypadded[[;;, 1];

listy2 = ypadded[[;;, 2]]; 

p1 = ListLinePlot[listy1, DataRange -> {0, 1}, PlotStyle -> Red]; 

p2 = ListLinePlot[listy2, DataRange -> {0, 1}, PlotStyle -> Green];

Show[p1, p2, PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here

You can use a single ListLinePlot using Transpose @ ypadded as input:

ListLinePlot[Transpose @ ypadded, DataRange -> {0, 1}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Can you also tell about the second issue? $\endgroup$
    – A Q
    Commented Mar 28, 2021 at 7:24
  • $\begingroup$ @AQ, please see the update. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 28, 2021 at 7:39
  • $\begingroup$ Is there a way to plot the ypadded directly rather than extracting each and every column from it and then plotting it. $\endgroup$
    – A Q
    Commented Mar 28, 2021 at 7:51
  • $\begingroup$ @AQ, use ListLinePlot[Transpose@ypadded, DataRange -> {0, 1}] $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 28, 2021 at 7:54

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