The formulation of the problem:
I tried to solve it with MOL and the method of V.R. Voller:
The script:
n = 100; (*Number of Elements*)
H = 0.05; (*Length*)
dH = H/n; (*Length of an Element*)
\[Rho]s = 917;
\[Rho]l = 1/(1.003*^-3);
cs = 0.185*^3;
cl = 4.179*^3;
ks = 1.16*1.91;
kl = 613*^-3;
\[Alpha]l = kl/(\[Rho]l*cl);
\[Alpha]s = ks/(\[Rho]s*cs);
L = 333;
q = 40000;
\[Theta]i = 271;
\[Theta]m = 273;
Z = Table[Subscript[z, i], {i, 0, n}];
For[i = 0, i <= n, i++, Subscript[z, i] = i*dH];
tmax = 10;
(*Defining Tables *)
\[CapitalTheta][t_] = Table[Subscript[\[Theta], i][t], {i, 0, n}];
\[CapitalAlpha][t_] = Table[Subscript[\[Alpha], i][t], {i, 0, n}];
F[t_] = Table[HeavisideTheta[Subscript[\[Theta], i][t]], {i, 0, n}];
dd\[CapitalTheta] =
dH*Range[0, n], \[CapitalTheta][t]];
d\[CapitalTheta] =
dH*Range[0, n], \[CapitalTheta][t]];
dvbls = Head[#] & /@ \[CapitalAlpha][t];
\[Theta]eqn =
Thread[D[\[CapitalTheta][t], t] - \[CapitalAlpha][t]*
dd\[CapitalTheta] + \[Rho]l*L*D[F[t], t] == 0];
bc0 = d\[CapitalTheta][[1]] == -\[Rho]l*cl*q/kl;
bcH = Subscript [\[Theta], n][t] == \[Rho]s*cs*(\[Theta]i - \[Theta]m);
\[Theta]eqn[[1]] = bc0;
\[Theta]eqn[[-1]] = bcH;
\[Theta]ic =
Thread[\[CapitalTheta][0] == cs*\[Rho]s*(\[Theta]i - \[Theta]m)];
\[Alpha]ic = Thread[\[CapitalAlpha][0] == \[Alpha]s];
event1 = WhenEvent[Subscript[\[Theta], #][t] <= 0,
Subscript[\[Alpha], #][t] -> \[Alpha]s] & /@ Range[0, n];
event2 = WhenEvent[Subscript[\[Theta], #][t] > 0,
Subscript[\[Alpha], #][t] -> \[Alpha]l] & /@ Range[0, n];
system = Join[\[Theta]eqn, \[Theta]ic, \[Alpha]ic, event1, event2];
lines = NDSolveValue[system,
Join[\[CapitalTheta][t], \[CapitalAlpha][t]], {t, 0, tmax},
DiscreteVariables -> dvbls,
StepMonitor :> (laststep = thisstep; thisstep = t;
stepsize = thisstep - laststep;)]
If I try to solve it without WhenEvent - assuming constant diffusing coefficient, I get excellent results. But if I include the events, I get a lot of errors:
I didn't find any good documentation to those errors. It would be very helpful if someone had a reference to that kind of error, or knows where my code went wrong.