We can compute a, e
first to show, that there are no such events we are looking for. This code is only working minimal example I been able to derive from the code above:
au = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "AstronomicalUnit"], "Meters"] //
c = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SpeedOfLight"], "MetersPerSecond"] //
Qpr = 1;
Lsun = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SolarLuminosity"], "Watts"] //
Rsun = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SolarRadius"], "Meters"] //
Msun = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SolarMass"], "Kilograms"] //
G = UnitConvert[
Quantity[1, "GravitationalConstant"], ("Meters"^2*"Newtons")/
"Kilograms"^2] // QuantityMagnitude;
year = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "Years"], "Seconds"] //
Myr = year*10^6;
Gyr = year*10^9;
Mwd = 0.6*Msun;
Cst = 1.27;
U = 1*10^17;
L[t_] := (3.26*Lsun*(Mwd/(0.6*Msun)))/(0.1 + t/Myr)^1.18;
Roche[dens_] := (0.65*Cst*
Papsis[t_] := a[t]*(1 - e[t]);
(*Radiative Drag*)
RDdadtR = -((1/
c^2)*((3*L[t]*Qpr*(2 + 3*e[t]^2))/(16*Pi*2000*Rast*
a[t]*(1. - e[t]^2)^(3/2))));
RDdedtR = -((1/
Sqrt[1. - e[t]^2])));
RDsolR = ParametricNDSolveValue[{Derivative[1][a][t] == RDdadtR,
Derivative[1][e][t] == RDdedtR, a[0] == 6*au, e[0] == 0.3}, {a[t],
e[t]}, {t, 0, 9*Gyr}, {Rast}];
RDasolR[Rast_] := RDsolR[Rast][[1]];
RDesolR[Rast_] := RDsolR[Rast][[2]];
Table[RDsolR[Rast][[1]], {Rast, 0.001, 0.01, 0.001}]], {t, 0,
9*Gyr}, FrameLabel -> {"Time", "Semi-major Axis"}, Frame -> True],
Table[RDsolR[Rast][[2]], {Rast, 0.001, 0.01, 0.001}]], {t, 0,
9*Gyr}, FrameLabel -> {"Time", "Eccentricity"}, Frame -> True],
Table[RDsolR[Rast][[1]] (1 - RDsolR[Rast][[2]]) -
Roche[2000], {Rast, 0.001, 0.01, 0.001}]], {t, 0, 9*Gyr},
FrameLabel -> {"Time", "Eccentricity"}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]}
The last picture is the expression Papsis[t] - Roche[2000]]
used for event detection. There is no time where Papsis[t] - Roche[2000]]<=0
, and therefore there are no such events.
Update 1. In a case of initial data a[0] == 1*au, e[0] == 0.3
there are several events and we can detect and plot solution with events as follows (here we use a[t]
in astronomical unit, and t
in Myr
au = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "AstronomicalUnit"], "Meters"] //
QuantityMagnitude // Rationalize;
c = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SpeedOfLight"], "MetersPerSecond"] //
QuantityMagnitude // Rationalize;
Qpr = 1;
Lsun = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SolarLuminosity"], "Watts"] //
QuantityMagnitude // Rationalize;
Rsun = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SolarRadius"], "Meters"] //
QuantityMagnitude // Rationalize;
Msun = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "SolarMass"], "Kilograms"] //
QuantityMagnitude // Rationalize;
G = UnitConvert[
Quantity[1, "GravitationalConstant"], ("Meters"^2*"Newtons")/
"Kilograms"^2] // QuantityMagnitude // Rationalize;
year = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "Years"], "Seconds"] //
QuantityMagnitude // Rationalize;
Myr = year*10^6;
Gyr = year*10^9;
Mwd = 6/10*Msun;
Cst = 127/100;
U = 10^17;
L[t_] := (326/100*Lsun*(Mwd/(6/10*Msun)))/(1/10 + t)^(118/100);
Roche[dens_] := (65/100*Cst*
Papsis[t_] := au a[t]*(1 - e[t]);
(*Radiative Drag*)
RDdadtR = -((1/
c^2)*((3*L[t]*Qpr*(2 + 3*e[t]^2))/(16*Pi*2000*Rast*
au a[t]*(1. - e[t]^2)^(3/2))));
RDdedtR = -((1/
c^2)*((15*L[t]*e[t])/(32*Pi*Rast*2000*au^2 a[t]^2*
Sqrt[1. - e[t]^2])));
Do[tmax[r] = 9 Gyr/Myr;
sol[r] = NDSolve[{Derivative[1][a][t] == (Myr/au) RDdadtR /. {Rast ->
r}, Derivative[1][e][t] == Myr RDdedtR /. {Rast -> r},
a[0] == 1, e[0] == 3/10,
WhenEvent[{Evaluate[Papsis[t] <= Roche[2000]]}, {tmax[r] = t,
"StopIntegration"}]}, {a[t], e[t]}, {t, 0, 9 Gyr/Myr},
AccuracyGoal -> 20, PrecisionGoal -> 20,
WorkingPrecision -> 35][[1]] // Quiet;
tm[r] = If[tmax[r] < 9 Gyr/Myr, tmax[r], 9 Gyr/Myr];
p[r] = {Plot[a[t] /. sol[r], {t, 0, tm[r]},
FrameLabel -> {"Time, Myr", "Semi-major Axis, AU"}, Frame -> True,
PlotLabel -> Row[{"Rast = ", r 1.}], PlotRange -> All],
Plot[e[t] /. sol[r], {t, 0, tm[r]},
FrameLabel -> {"Time, Myr", "Eccentricity"}, Frame -> True,
PlotLabel -> Row[{"tmax = ", N[tm[r] 1., 3]}],
PlotRange -> All]};, {r, 10^-3, 1/100, 10^-3}]
Table[p[r], {r, 10^-3, 1/100, 10^-3}]
? $\endgroup$Gyr
has the units
attached to it, andtmax
is not defined until afterPlot
has been called. In general, I recommend that you avoid using units in your computation. $\endgroup$Gyr
having units, but I'm unsure whytmax
is defined afterPlot
has been called, given it should be defined as the time the integration is stopped. Is there a way of getting around this? $\endgroup$a[0] == 6*AU
(you defineau
). Also use non dimensional parameters by adding//QuantityMagnitude
, for exampleyear = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "Years"], "Seconds"] //QuantityMagnitude
. Even with this correction there are no events witha[t]*(1 - e[t]) <= Roche[2000]