In all my apps, I am facing a problem about placing the Gui controls inside Grid
For this purpose, I wrote three functions.
The first function, createGridList
, returns empty list.
createGridList[noOfRows_, noOfColumns_] := ConstantArray["", {noOfRows, noOfColumns}]
The second function, layoutGrid
, returns a GraphicsGrid
layoutGrid[noOfRows_, noOfColumns_, list_, meshFactor_] :=
ImageSize -> {((noOfColumns*meshFactor)), ((noOfRows*meshFactor))},
Background -> RGBColor[.745, .886, 1]
The third function, PlaceControl
, returns an updated list with the Gui elements.
placeControl[yCoOrdinate_, xCoOrdinate_, controlID_, controlWidth_,
controlHeight_, list1_, meshFactor_] :=
rowNumber = yCoOrdinate/meshFactor;
columnNumber = xCoOrdinate/meshFactor;
rowSpan = controlWidth/meshFactor;
columnSpan = controlHeight/meshFactor;
list = list1;
If[(i == rowNumber),
(*True condition, i value is equals to rowNumber*)
If[(j == columnNumber),
(*True condition,j value is equals to column Number*)
list = ReplacePart[list, {i, j} -> controlID];
list = ReplacePart[list, {i, m} -> SpanFromLeft]
{m, (j + 1), (j + (rowSpan - 1))}
j = (columnNumber + (rowSpan - 1));
(*False condition, i value is not equals to rowNumber*)
If[((i > rowNumber) && (i <= ((rowNumber + columnSpan) - 1))),
(*True condition, i value is in between rowNumber,(rowNumber+ColumnSpan)*)
If[(j == columnNumber),
(*True condition, j value is equals to column Number*)
list = ReplacePart[list, {i, j} -> SpanFromAbove];
list = ReplacePart[list, {i, m} -> SpanFromBoth]
{m, (j + 1), (j + (rowSpan - 1))}
j = (columnNumber + (rowSpan - 1));
{i, 1, Length[list]}, {j, 1, Length[Part[list, 1]]}
I am calling the above function.that corresponding code is following below.
(*The following variable specifies the no of rows in grid*)
noOfRows =20;
(*The following variable specifies the no of columns in grid*)
noOfColumns = 20;
(*The following variable specifies the Button visualization*)
buttonElement = Button["Ok", "", ImageSize -> {150, 60}];
(*The following variable specifies the each cell size in grid*)
cellSize = 10;
(*The following code corresponds to the calling the above functions*)
list = createGridList[noOfRows, noOfColumns];
list = Quiet[placeControl[20, 40, Button["Ok", "", ImageSize -> {150, 60}],
150, 60, list, cellSize]];
layoutGrid[noOfRows, noOfColumns, list, cellSize]
Visualization-wise and logical-wise everything is fine, but the problem is: If you place so many Gui-elements inside a GraphicsGrid
, it takes more time for evaluation.
My understanding is that GraphicsGrid
slows down because GraphicsGrid
converts all the Gui-elements into Graphics
How can I reduce and improve the code?
defined? $\endgroup$