I would like to compute all non-isomorphic trees with n nodes efficiently. I use the following approach: I create all possible trees ( Visualizing Cayley's Formula in Mathematica) and filter the list of all possible trees.
fun[code_] :=
Module[{v = Range[Length[code] + 2], cd = code, e = {}, c},
Length[v] != 2,
c = Sort[Complement[v, cd]];
AppendTo[e, {cd[[1]], c[[1]]}];
v = DeleteCases[v, c[[1]]];
cd = Drop[cd, 1];];
Graph[UndirectedEdge @@@ AppendTo[e, v], VertexSize -> 0.3,
VertexLabels ->
Table[i -> Placed[Style[i, White, Bold], {1/2, 1/2}], {i,
VertexStyle ->
Table[i -> ColorData["Rainbow"][i/v[[-1]]], {i, v[[-1]]}]]]
checkIsomorph[start_ : {}] := Module[{outList, check}, outList = start;
If[(check = FreeQ[outList, _?(IsomorphicGraphQ[seedling, #] &)]),
AppendTo[outList, seedling]];
n = 5;
graphs = fun[#] & /@ Tuples[Range[n], n - 2];
selected = checkIsomorph[] /@ graphs;
Any suggestion on how to do it faster?
Edit: I would like to be able to compute up to n=20.