I have a function like this Exp[-(\[Psi]+\[Delta]* x)^2/2]
. I need to numerically integrate this function and represent using ListContourPlot. Hence I Use the code like this
t2 = Flatten[
Table[{\[Psi], \[Delta],
If[0 < NIntegrate[
Exp[-(\[Psi]+\[Delta]* x)^2/2], {x, 0, \[Infinity]}] < 3, 0,
1]}, {\[Psi], -0.01, -2, -01}, {\[Delta], 0.1, 5, 01}], 1]
ListContourPlot[t2, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", Evaluate@plotset2,
PlotRange -> {{-0.01, -1}, {0, 4}}, PlotLegends -> None,
FrameLabel -> {"\[Psi]", "\[Delta]"}, Contours -> 1]
and I obtain the plot as:
Now, I need to extract the line that separates these two regions (blue and cream region). I know that the boundary indicates the region where the function has value not within the interval. So I think If there is a way to extract the values of psi and delta when the value of the integral changes will serve the purpose. I am not sure.
Please help me out. Thanks in advance.