I am unable to obtain the numerical value of the derivative of the hypergeometric function. Please note that the (2,4,0,0) is the derivative with respect to the first and second argument
If I use the integral representation of the Gaussian hypergeometric function, and then differentiate that before plugging in the arguments, I get the following expression:
$$\frac{2\pi^4}{5}+8 \int_0^1 \left(2(\operatorname{artanh}(1-2t))^2-\pi ^2\right)(\operatorname{artanh}(1-2t)\log(1-t))^2 \, \mathrm dt$$
which does not symbolically evaluate in Mathematica, but readily evaluates numerically:
(2 π^4)/5 + 8 NIntegrate[(2 ArcTanh[1 - 2 t]^2 - π^2) (ArcTanh[1 - 2 t] Log[1 - t])^2,
{t, 0, 1}, WorkingPrecision -> 30]
In general, parameter derivatives of hypergeometric functions can get easily complicated, so I am not overly surprised that a symbolic route did not easily yield a known expression in terms of other special functions known to Mathematica.
Have a look at the definition of the hypergeometric function: you can see that $_2F_1(a,b;2;1)=\frac{\Gamma(2-a-b)}{\Gamma(2-a)\Gamma(2-b)}$:
h[a_,b_] = Sum[Pochhammer[a, k]*Pochhammer[b, k]/Pochhammer[2, k] * 1/k!, {k, 0, ∞}]
(* Gamma[2 - a - b]/(Gamma[2 - a] Gamma[2 - b]) *)
The general form of this hypergeometric function at $z=1$ is described on the Wolfram Functions site. Thanks @DrWolfgangHintze!
The derivatives now become explicit:
D[h[a, b], {a, 2}, {b, 4}] /. {a -> 0, b -> 1} // FullSimplify
(* 68*π^6/315 + 24*(Zeta[3]^2+2*Zeta[5]) *)
% // N
(* 291.989 *)
Increasing MaxExtraPrecision
to the value 1000
$MaxExtraPrecision = 1000;
N[Derivative[2, 4, 0, 0][Hypergeometric2F1][0, 1, 2, 1],20]
Try this, you will see what is going on:
$MaxExtraPrecision = 100;
N[Derivative[2, 4, 0, 0][Hypergeometric2F1][0, 1, 2, 1],20]
(*N::meprec: Internal precision limit $MaxExtraPrecision = 100.` reached while evaluating (Hypergeometric2F1^(2,4,0,0))[0,1,2,1].*)
Derivative[2, 4, 0, 0][ Hypergeometric2F1][0, 1, 2, 1]
$\endgroup$Maple 2020.2
I have:291.989096054116602579595642923
. $\endgroup$Derivative[2, 3, 0, 0][Hypergeometric2F1][0, 1, 2, 1] // N
$\endgroup$func = (D[ D[Pochhammer[a, k] Pochhammer[b, k]/Pochhammer[c, k]*z^k/ k!, {a, 2}], {b, 4}] // FunctionExpand) /. z -> 1 /. c -> 2 /. b -> 1 // FullSimplify; NSum[ func /. a -> 10^-12, {k, 0, Infinity}]
$\endgroup$((Derivative[2, 3, 0, 0][Hypergeometric2F1][0, 1 + t, 2, 1] - Derivative[2, 3, 0, 0][Hypergeometric2F1][0, 1, 2, 1])/t /. t -> 10^-12) // N