
I have many polygons of the following form that I wish to do more complicated processing and analysis based on it's updated location (such as relationships between geometries).

Translate[Polygon[{{0, 0}, {0, 50}, {100, 50}, {100, 0}}], {954, 840}]

I thought I had found my solution of how to recover the coordinates of a translated Polygon from an earlier thread about Points. However, when I tried to applied Normal M12.1 just returns the expression again.

Normal[Translate[Polygon[{{0, 0}, {0, 50}, {100, 50}, {100, 0}}], {954, 840}]]

I've tried some more complicated ways to extract the coordinates from a Graphics object to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions about how they would recover the Polygons updated extents?


2 Answers 2

translateToNormal[t_Translate] := TranslationTransform[#2] /@ # & @@ t

tp = Translate[Polygon[{{0, 0}, {0, 50}, {100, 50}, {100, 0}}], {954, 840}]

 Polygon[{{954, 840}, {954, 890}, {1054, 890}, {1054, 840}}]


translateToNormal2 = # /. Translate -> (TranslationTransform[#2] /@ # &) &;

translateToNormal2 @ tp
 Polygon[{{954, 840}, {954, 890}, {1054, 890}, {1054, 840}}]
Graphics[{FaceForm[], EdgeForm[{AbsoluteThickness[10], Red}], translateToNormal[tp],
  EdgeForm[{Thin, Black}], tp}]

enter image description here

To get the coordinates:

normalCoords[t_Translate] := TranslationTransform[#2] @ #[[1]] & @@ t
{{954, 840}, {954, 890}, {1054, 890}, {1054, 840}}
  • $\begingroup$ It works thanks. I wasn't able to reverse what #2 and # are actioning upon? $\endgroup$
    – BBirdsell
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 6:03

Using TransformedRegion:

poly = Polygon[{{0, 0}, {0, 50}, {100, 50}, {100, 0}}];
tvec = {954, 840};

tpoly = TransformedRegion[poly
   , TranslationTransform[tvec]];



{{954, 840}, {954, 890}, {1054, 840}, {1054, 890}}

RegionQ /@ {poly, tpoly}

{True, True}

Graphics[{Red, poly, Blue, tpoly
  , Dashed, Black
  , Arrow[{RegionCentroid@poly
    , RegionCentroid@poly + {tvec[[1]], 0}}]
  , Arrow[{RegionCentroid@poly + {tvec[[1]], 0}
    , RegionCentroid@tpoly}]

enter image description here

More operations can be cascaded using a Dot operator. For example, a rotation:

upoly = TransformedRegion[poly
   , TranslationTransform[tvec] . RotationTransform[π/4]];


{{954 - 25 Sqrt[2], 840 + 25 Sqrt[2]}, {954, 840}, {954 + 25 Sqrt[2], 840 + 75 Sqrt[2]}, {954 + 50 Sqrt[2], 840 + 50 Sqrt[2]}}


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