I would like to manipulate a functional equation where $F$ is a cumulative distribution function, which I would let Mathematica know.
Using a simple example, consider
$$(\rho + \lambda\overline{F}(w))V(w) = w + \lambda \int_w^\overline{w} V(x) \,\text{d}F(x)$$
where the integral is an expectation for the draws larger than $w$ (which is distributed according to $F$ over a support $[\underline{w}, \overline{w}]$) and $\overline{F}(w) = 1-F(w)$. I would like to manipulate this expression using the properties of the CDF, and eventually solve it for a function such as $V(w)$ —- in this case a simple task, but I would like Mathematica to do it.
I think RSolve
should be the right tool to handle functional equations, but I can't manage to obtain an output. I am trying something like:
RSolve[(rho + l*(1-F[w]))*V[w] == w + l*Integrate[V[x], {F[x], w, w1}], V[w], w]
and convert to an ODE? $\endgroup$