
enter image description here I change the island and GeoRange from the example, but it shows the error, can anyone help me with that?

Follow link as the original example(The first and second pictures) : https://risu.io/SOmU

map = GeoGraphics[Entity["Country", "MaldiveIslands"]["Polygon"],
  GeoRange -> {{0, 8}, {72, 74}}, GeoBackground -> None, ImageSize -> 2048];
image = Binarize[Image[ImageData[Image[map]][[All, All, 4]]]];
labeledArray = MorphologicalComponents[image];
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Post the code instead of picture. $\endgroup$
    – cvgmt
    Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 5:17
  • $\begingroup$ GeoGraphics[{EdgeForm[Gray],Entity["Island", "MaldiveIslands"]["Polygon"]},GeoRange->{{0,8}, {72,74}},GeoBackground->"Satellite",GeoZoomLevel->7] $\endgroup$
    – JOHN
    Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 5:26
  • $\begingroup$ map=GeoGraphics[Entity["Country", "MaldiveIslands"]["Polygon"],GeoRange->{{0,8}, {72,74}},GeoBackground->None,ImageSize->2048]; image=Binarize[Image[ImageData[Image[map]][[All,All,4]]]];[IndentingNewLine]labeledArray=MorphologicalComponents[image]; $\endgroup$
    – JOHN
    Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 5:27
  • $\begingroup$ Edit the original problem and add the code :) $\endgroup$
    – cvgmt
    Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 5:31

2 Answers 2


The cause of the error message may be that Entity["Country", "MaldiveIslands"]["Polygon"] evaluates to Missing["UnknownEntity", {"Country", "MaldiveIslands"}]

The following code, which is similar to yours, evaluates without an error message. It uses "Maldives" instead of "MaldiveIslands" and an image size of 160 instead of 2048.

map = GeoGraphics[{EdgeForm[Gray],
    Entity["Country", "Maldives"]["Polygon"]},
   GeoBackground -> None,
   GeoRange -> {{0, 8}, {72, 74}},
   ImageSize -> 160];
image = Binarize[Image[ImageData[Image[map]][[All, All, 4]]]]; 
labeledArray = MorphologicalComponents[image];

(*  {1413, 352}  *)

Another way.

map =
 GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling[None], Polygon @ CountryData["Maldives"]},
  GeoRange -> "Country",
  GeoBackground -> None,
  ImageSize -> 400]
image = Rasterize[map, "Image", RasterSize -> 400, ImageSize -> 400];
labeledArray = MorphologicalComponents[image];
Colorize[labeledArray, ColorRules -> {0 -> Red}]



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