I'm getting the following error:
NDSolveValue: The FEMStiffnessElements operator failed.
I looked for this error in FEM documentation and did not find anything. I'm using Mathematica 12.
It follows my code:
<< NumericalDifferentialEquationAnalysis`;
G = 6.894745 10^9;
E1 = 26.25 G; E2 = 1.49 G; G12 =
1.04 G; nu12 = 0.28; nu21 = (E2*nu12)/E1;
t = 0.0050 .0254;
Son = {{1/E1, -nu12/E1, 0}, {-nu21/E2, 1/E2, 0}, {0, 0, 1/G12}}; Qon =
Q11 = Qon[[1, 1]]; Q12 = Qon[[1, 2]]; Q22 = Qon[[2, 2]]; Q66 =
Qon[[3, 3]];
U1 = (3 Q11 + 3 Q22 + 2 Q12 + 4 Q66)/8; U2 = (Q11 - Q22)/
2; U3 = (Q11 + Q22 - 2 Q12 - 4 Q66)/
8; U4 = (Q11 + Q22 + 6 Q12 - 4 Q66)/
8; U5 = (Q11 + Q22 - 2 Q12 + 4 Q66)/8;
alpha = 0 (\[Pi]/180);
a = 1; b = 1; d = a Cos[alpha] + b Sin[alpha];
omega = Rectangle[{0, 0}, {a, b}];
mesh = ToElementMesh[omega, MaxCellMeasure -> 0.001];
u0 = 0.01;
angle1 = 10; angle0 = 0;
angles = {{angle0, angle1}, {-angle0, -angle1}, {angle0,
angle1}, {-angle0, -angle1}, {angle0,
angle1}, {-angle0, -angle1}, {-angle0, -angle1}, {angle0,
angle1}, {-angle0, -angle1}, {angle0,
angle1}, {-angle0, -angle1}, {angle0, angle1}};
num = Dimensions[angles][[1]]; h = num*t; pos = Table[0, num + 1];
pos[[1]] = -h/2;
For[i = 2, i <= num + 1, i++, pos[[i]] = pos[[i - 1]] + t];
\[Xi]A = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
\[Xi]B = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
\[Xi]D = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
For[i = 1, i <= num, i++,
T0 = angles[[i, 1]] ;
T1 = angles[[i, 2]] ;
func[s_] :=
Simplify@((2.0/d) (T1 - T0) Sqrt[(s - d/2)^2] + T0) (\[Pi]/180);
theta[x_, y_] := alpha + func[x Cos[alpha] + y Sin[alpha]];
zA = pos[[i + 1]] - pos[[i]]; zB = pos[[i + 1]]^2 - pos[[i]]^2;
zD = pos[[i + 1]]^3 - pos[[i]]^3;
V1 = Cos[2 theta[x, y]]; V2 = Sin[2 theta[x, y]];
V3 = Cos[4 theta[x, y]]; V4 = Sin[4 theta[x, y]];
\[Xi]a = {1, V1, V2, V3, V4} zA;
\[Xi]b = {1, V1, V2, V3, V4} zB;
\[Xi]d = {1, V1, V2, V3, V4} zD;
\[Xi]A = \[Xi]A + \[Xi]a;
\[Xi]B = \[Xi]B + \[Xi]b;
\[Xi]D = \[Xi]D + \[Xi]d;
mU = {
{U1, U2, 0, U3, 0},
{U4, 0, 0, -U3, 0},
{U1, -U2, 0, U3, 0},
{0, 0, U2/2, 0, U3},
{0, 0, U2/2, 0, -U3},
{U5, 0, 0, -U3, 0}
mA = mU.\[Xi]A; mB = (mU.\[Xi]B)/2; mD = (mU.\[Xi]D)/3;
A11[x_, y_] = mA[[1]]; A12[x_, y_] = mA[[2]]; A16[x_, y_] = mA[[4]];
A22[x_, y_] = mA[[3]]; A26[x_, y_] = mA[[5]]; A66[x_, y_] = mA[[6]];
D11[x_, y_] = mD[[1]]; D12[x_, y_] = mD[[2]]; D16[x_, y_] = mD[[4]];
D22[x_, y_] = mD[[3]]; D26[x_, y_] = mD[[5]]; D66[x_, y_] = mD[[6]];
Nx[x_, y_] =
A11[x, y] D[u[x, y], {x, 1}] + A12[x, y] D[v[x, y], {y, 1}] +
A16[x, y] (D[u[x, y], {y, 1}] + D[v[x, y], {x, 1}]);
Ny[x_, y_] =
A12[x, y] D[u[x, y], {x, 1}] + A22[x, y] D[v[x, y], {y, 1}] +
A26[x, y] (D[u[x, y], {y, 1}] + D[v[x, y], {x, 1}]);
Nxy[x_, y_] =
A16[x, y] D[u[x, y], {x, 1}] + A26[x, y] D[v[x, y], {y, 1}] +
A66[x, y] (D[u[x, y], {y, 1}] + D[v[x, y], {x, 1}]);
PDEs =
D[Nx[x, y], {x, 1}] + D[Nxy[x, y], {y, 1}],
D[Ny[x, y], {y, 1}] + D[Nxy[x, y], {x, 1}]
gammaD =
DirichletCondition[{v[x, y] == u0, u[x, y] == 0}, y == 0],
DirichletCondition[{v[x, y] == -u0, u[x, y] == 0}, y == b]
omega = Rectangle[{0, 0}, {a, b}];
mesh = ToElementMesh[omega, MaxCellMeasure -> 0.001];
{U, V} =
PDEs == {0, 0},
DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, x == a/2]
{u, v}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh
Basically I'm trying to solve a 2D elasticity (a plate under a prescribed displacement) problem above. I already solved it considering a 1D variation of the theta function e all went well. Now I need to solve considering a 2D variation of the theta function theta[x,y]
. What I changed it was the function theta
, but I'm getting this error.
Does anyone knows the reason of this error and how can I solve it?
It using alpha = 0 (\[Pi]/180)
my code runs like a charm. But when I set 45 (\[Pi]/180)
I get division-by-zero.
does anything. Maybe it would be a good idea to resolve these first? $\endgroup$alpha = 0 (\[Pi]/180)
my code runs properly. $\endgroup$