My question is a continuation of the topic:
How to convert equation to vector (matrix) form?
It is necessary to separate the components of equations into vectors and matrices and a combination of operations with them (scalar, vector product, etc.).
If we take one of the methods proposed in the previous topic, the link to which I attached to the message, then it is suitable only for equations, which in general terms can be represented as a scalar product of 3-dimensional vectors.
Does Mathematics have algorithms for solving such a problem for equations e1 and e2?
FullForm[-a11^2*b21^2 + a11^2*c21^2 - 2*a11*a21*c11*c21 +
a21^2*c11^2 + b21^2*c11^2]
prod = -a11^2*b21^2 + a11^2*c21^2 - 2*a11*a21*c11*c21 + a21^2*c11^2 +
b21^2*c11^2 //. {Times -> List, Plus -> List}
a = prod[[All, 1]];
u = prod[[All, 2]];
For example, we need to convert:
$a_1 u_1+a_2 u_2+a_3 u_3$
to the vector form of dot product A.U
, where A={a1,a2,a3}
and U={u1,u2,u3}