If the option Boxed
is set to be False
in Graphics3D
, additional white margins may appear as shown in the following figure. Is it possible to remove the useless margins such that the borders touch the contents?
smallarray =
With[{L0 = 300, r0 = 50, unitcellsize = 400, origin = {0, 0, 0},
la = 800, ra = 50 },
Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[None], Yellow,
Table[{Cylinder[{{ix*unitcellsize, iy*unitcellsize - L0/2,
0}, {ix*unitcellsize, iy*unitcellsize + L0/2, 0}}, r0]}, {ix,
1, 5}, {iy, 1, 5}], Arrowheads[0.1], Red,
Arrow[Tube[{origin, origin + {la, 0, 0}}, ra]], Magenta,
Arrow[Tube[{{0, 0, 0}, origin + {0, la, 0}}, ra]], Cyan,
Arrow[Tube[{origin, origin + {0, 0, la}}, ra]]}, Boxed -> False,
Lighting -> Automatic, ViewPoint -> {Pi, Pi/2, Pi},
ImageSize -> {Automatic, 400}]]