When I am trying to use PlotRangePadding with a fixed range (not symmetric with x and y axes) for a graphic generated by ListContourPlot, it is coming back with an error message that PlotRangePadding can only be either automatic or none.
Following is a small code to demonstrate the problem. Here, I want a padding at the bottom only, not a symmetric one around the whole graphic.
Will be thankful for any suggestion.
ListContourPlot[XX,ColorFunction->"TemperatureMap",PlotLegends->Placed[BarLegend[{0, 17, 34, 51, 67},LegendMargins->{{0,0},{10,5}},LegendLabel->"% output",LegendMarkerSize->150, LabelStyle->{Italic,Bold, FontSize->15, FontFamily->"Helvetica"}],{{0.1, 0.5}, {0.1, 0.1}}],PlotRangePadding->{{0, 0}, {0.1, 0}}, Frame -> False, BoundaryStyle->{Black, Thick}]