I am writing a code to display longitudinal waves. I started with the following, filling the slots using the Range function.
l = {Blue, Disk[{3 Sin[(5) t + 0.1 #] + 1.4 #, 1}, 0.5]} & /@
Animate[Evaluate[Graphics[l, PlotRange -> {{-4, 44}, All}]], {t, 0,
20. \[Pi]}, AnimationRate -> .3]
The slots control the x-position of the disks, as a result I get 25 disks beside each others. However, I want to obtain this single line of disks multiple times, each line under the other, as shown in the figure below. I tried to insert a new slot in the y-position of Disk function, but I do not know how to separate this new slot from the other two in the x-position, and assign it a new Range function. Can anyone help me in this please?