
I know that there is a similar question of taking an animation of 3D object, however since I'm not good at Mathematica nor English, I couldn't figure out how to make animation of multiple objects rotating. Below is the code of graphic I would like to rotate around vector {0,1,0}.

Show[star, eye1, eye2]

This is the picture of my graphic. Can somebody help please..?

  • $\begingroup$ It would be good to provide a link to the question that you think is related. $\endgroup$
    – C. E.
    Commented Sep 29, 2019 at 10:06

1 Answer 1

s[x_, y_] := y/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2];
star = RegionPlot3D[
   x^2 + y^2 <= (1 - 3 z^2) (3 + 
        1.3 (1 - 3 z^2) (5 s[x, y] - 20 s[x, y]^3 + 16 s[x, y]^5)) && 
    Abs[z] <= 1, {x, -2.2, 2.2}, {y, -2, 2.4}, {z, -2, 2}, 
   PlotPoints -> 80, PlotStyle -> Directive[Yellow], Mesh -> None, 
   Axes -> False, Boxed -> False, ViewPoint -> {-1.45, -0.175, 1.6}, 
   ViewVertical -> {0, 1, 0}];
eye1 = RegionPlot3D[(x + 0.41)^2/0.005 + (y - 0.3)^2/
      0.1 + (z - 0.52)^2/0.01 <= 1, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -1.8, 
    1.8}, PlotPoints -> 80, 
   PlotStyle -> Directive[Black, Specularity[80]]];
eye2 = RegionPlot3D[(x - 0.41)^2/0.005 + (y - 0.3)^2/
      0.1 + (z - 0.52)^2/0.01 <= 1, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -1.8, 
    1.8}, PlotPoints -> 80, 
   PlotStyle -> Directive[Black, Specularity[80]]];
p = Show[star, eye1, eye2]

lst = Table[
   Graphics3D[Rotate[p[[1]], 2*Pi*t, {0, 1, 0}], Boxed -> False, 
    Axes -> False], {t, 0, 1, .05}];


Figure 1


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