I'm trying to make an animated gif of a 3D plot by rotating the plot in its middle, around a vertical axis. I used the tricks gave by F'x and Heike in this thread autorotating 3D plot but I encountered some difficulties to get the right axis (parallel to the Axis3 in code). My need is to rotate my 3D plot slowly as a spinning top from its center.
rotateMeHarder1[g_, vertical_, viewpoint0_, center_List: {0, 0, 0}, nframes_Integer: 15, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{grlist}, grlist = Table[ Show[g, ViewVertical -> vertical, ViewVector -> {RotationMatrix[2 Pi/nframes i, vertical].(viewpoint0 - center) + center, center}, SphericalRegion -> True, opts], {i, 0, nframes - 1}]]
p = ListPlot3D[data, Mesh -> All, AxesLabel -> {"Axis1", "Axis2", "Axis3"}, PlotRange -> Full]
grlist = rotateMeHarder1[p, {0, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, 10, ViewAngle -> 110 Degree]
in the old packageGraphics`Animation`
was implemented... $\endgroup$