Following the answers in this post, I'm trying to implement something similar. If the GBM stays inside the corridor [L, U]
between predefined times it should return 1
otherwise 0
. I wrote the following code:
MC[X_, t_, Ti_, per_, L_, U_, r_, s_, n_, prob_] :=
Module[{data = 0, data1, data2, value, j},
data =
RandomFunction[GeometricBrownianMotionProcess[r, s, X],
{0, Ti[[Length[Ti]]] + per, .01}, n];
value = 0;
For[j = 1, j <= n, j++,
data1 = Table[Select[#, #[[1]] >= Ti[[i]] && #[[1]] <= (Ti[[i]] + per) &] & /@
{data["Paths"][[j]]}, {i, 1, Length[Ti]}];
data2 = Flatten[data1, 2];
value +=
If[Max[Table[data2[[i]][[2]], {i, 1, Length[data2]}]] <= U &&
Min[Table[data2[[i]][[2]], {i, 1, Length[data2]}]] >= L,
1, 0]];
MC[100, 0, {1, 2}, 1, 80, 120, 0.01, 0.15, 100, prob]
If the GBM stays inside [80,120]
between the times [1,2]
and [2,3]
, value
should be 1
otherwise 0
Now this code works, but it is really slow. For instance for 10,000 simulations it takes about 10 minutes. Is there a way to improve this?
I also want to calculate the probability that the GBM breaches the corridor between two discrete simulations. For example, if $\mathbb{P}[X_t,X_{t+1},L,U]=prob[\cdots]$ and $\mathbb{P}>0.5$, I want to set value
to 0
. In short, I'm looking for a way to apply a certain function prob
to every simulated value inside my corridor.
Is there a way to do this without a loop? Can someone can give me a hint on how to do this in an efficient way?
thank you for your answer. Yes I'm trying to price a corridor option and the function prob
I mentioned should account for the penetration probability. But I want to get the value of the option if there are more corridor periods than one.
To visualize what I mean consider the slightly altered plot you provided:
Module[{S0 = 100, r = 0.01, σ = 0.15, L = 80, U = 120,
T = 1, Δt = 0.01, nTimes = 100, nPaths = 10,
seed = 123, drift, diff, times, paths, containedPaths, PathToLine},
times = Range[0, T, Δt];
PathToLine[path_] := Line[Transpose[{times, path}]];
{drift, diff} = {Exp[(r - σ^2/2) Δt],
diff = σ Sqrt[Δt]};
paths = Table[GBMPathCompiled[S0, drift, diff, nTimes], {nPaths}];
containedPaths = Select[paths, (And[Max[#] < U, Min[#] > L]) &];
Graphics[{PathToLine /@ paths, {Red, Line[{{0.2, L}, {0.4, L}}],
Line[{{0.8, L}, {1, L}}], Line[{{0.2, U}, {0.4, U}}],
Line[{{0.8, U}, {1, U}}]}}, Axes -> Automatic,
AspectRatio -> 0.25]]
So the corridor should be active just between certain times $[T_i,T_i+per]$, where $T_i$ are the starting times and $per$ the length of the period. For the example above, this would be Ti={0.2,0.8}
and `per=