
I wish the DateObject[{2019, 8, 27}] function and TimeObject[{2, 35}] function could be visible on my grid.


enter image description here

Is there anything else I should do for better viewing?

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ The culprit is your choice of ItemSize->{{10,3,5,5}}, values here for 2nd and last columns are not enough. You may change this to ItemSize -> {{10, Full, 5, Full}} to prevent line-wrapping as the help page says. Or simply use ItemSize->Full so that every item is at its full width and height. $\endgroup$
    – Alx
    Commented Sep 6, 2019 at 0:27

2 Answers 2


You can also wrap the grid object with Style using the option LineBreakWithin -> False:

Style[#, LineBreakWithin -> False] &@
 Grid[Prepend[data, {"Projeto", "Data", "Metros", "Tempo"}], 
  Background -> {None, {Lighter[Yellow, .9], {White, Lighter[Blend[{Blue, Green}], .8]}}}, 
  Dividers -> {{Darker[Gray, .6], {Lighter[Gray, .5]}, Darker[Gray, .6]}, 
     {Darker[Gray, .6], Darker[Gray, .6], {False},  Darker[Gray, .6]}},
  Alignment -> {{Center, Center, {Center}}}, 
  Frame -> Darker[Gray, .6], ItemStyle -> 14, Spacings -> {15, .8}]

enter image description here

With Spacings -> {1, .8} we get:

enter image description here


As recommended by our contributor Alx:

data = {{"CaixaPokémon", DateObject[{2019, 8, 27}], 22.41, 
    TimeObject[{2, 35}]}, {"second", 11, 5, 6}, {"third", 111, 8, 
    9}, {"fourth", 1111, 10, 11}};
Text@Grid[Prepend[data, {"Projeto", "Data", "Metros", "Tempo"}], 
  Background -> {None, {Lighter[Yellow, .9], {White, 
      Lighter[Blend[{Blue, Green}], .8]}}}, 
  Dividers -> {{Darker[Gray, .6], {Lighter[Gray, .5]}, 
     Darker[Gray, .6]}, {Darker[Gray, .6], Darker[Gray, .6], {False}, 
     Darker[Gray, .6]}}, Alignment -> {{Center, Center, {Center}}}, 
  ItemSize -> {{10, Full, 5, Full}}, Frame -> Darker[Gray, .6], 
  ItemStyle -> 14, Spacings -> {15, .8}]

enter image description here


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