I am loading a dataset into Mathematica and the format is always recognized as an Atom String:
DS[All, 4]
AtomQ[DS[All, 4]]
(* True *)
In this format I cannot analyze the data. Unfortunately, I cannot modify the data before I load it into Mathematica.
Any help is welcome.
I tried ToString (horrible outcome):
In[111]:= ToString[DS[All, 4]]
Out[111]= "Dataset[{23,8, 24,9, 25,7, 23,8, 23,4, 23,8, 25,9, 24,4, \
24,9, 25,4, 25,3, 26,1, 25,5, 24,0, 23,9, 26,2, 24,6, 26,6, 26,4, \
26,2}, TypeSystem`Vector[TypeSystem`Atom[String], 20], <|Origin -> \
HoldComplete[Query[All, 4][Dataset`DatasetHandle[37310558245194]]], \
ID -> 52209799798783|>]"
and Replace
DS[All, 4] /. "," -> "."
but both did not work.
objects are always atoms, so this part is not the issue. Unless you have more specific information (e.g. part of the file you're trying to import & the code you're using to do so), it will be very difficult to help you. $\endgroup$Dataset
. If you tell us in more detail what you're after, we can point you in a more specific direction $\endgroup$Dataset
, you can useNormal
to convert it to a useful form. What do you see when you evaluateNormal[DS]
? $\endgroup$