I have the following PDE: $$ \frac{\partial }{\partial x}\left(G_x \left(\frac{\partial \phi (x,y)}{\partial x}-y\right)\right)+\frac{\partial }{\partial y}\left(G_y \left(\frac{\partial \phi (x,y)}{\partial y}+x\right)\right)=0 $$ with BCs $\frac{\partial \phi (x,y)}{\partial x}-y=0$ at $x=\pm a$ and $\frac{\partial \phi (x,y)}{\partial y}+x=0$ at $y=\pm b$, $G_x$ and $G_y$ are constants.
After a lot of work and help from this community I managed to get an analytical solution. Now I want to confirm this solution using NDSolve
so I typed the following code:
(*Main equation*)
(*Values for numerical solution*)
but I get the message
NDSolve::fembdnl: The dependent variable in -y+(\[Phi]^(1,0))[-0.0025,y]==0 in the boundary condition DirichletCondition[-y+(\[Phi]^(1,0))[-0.0025,y]==0,x==-0.0025] needs to be linear.
I thought that all equations can have a numerical solution but are not guaranteed an analytical one so I'm sure I'm making a mistake but I can't see where.
Side note: here is the analytical solution $$ \phi (x,y)=x y-\frac{32 \sqrt{G_y} (-1)^n \sin \left(\frac{1}{2} \pi (2 n+1) x\right) \text{sech}\left(\frac{\pi b \sqrt{G_x} (2 n+1)}{2 \sqrt{G_x}}\right) \sinh \left(\frac{\pi \sqrt{G_x} (2 n+1) y}{2 \sqrt{G_y}}\right)}{\pi ^3 \sqrt{G_x} (2 n+1)^3} $$ where $n=0,1,2,3,...$.