I'm trying to make motion plot interference of two waves i used
lines to represent amplitude and wave envelope separately.
This works for the traveling waves, but no the interfering wave.
i'm struggling with last part how to plot the interference.
code is commented and easily readable the problem with last part interfering part
w1[x_, t_] := {x, 7 + Sin[2*Pi*(x - t)]};
w2[x_, t_] := {x, 4 + Sin[2*Pi*(x + t)]};
wr[x_, t_] := {x, w1[x, t] + w2[x, t]};
"right travel table"
lw1[t_] := Line[{w1[x, t], {x, 7}}];
gw1[t_] := Graphics[{Thick,Red, lw1[t]}, AspectRatio -> 0.75, Axes -> True,
AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, Ticks -> None];
tw1[t_] := Table[gw1[t], {x, 0, 2*Pi, 0.05}];
pw1[t_] := ParametricPlot[{w1[x, t]}, {x, 0, 2*Pi}, PlotStyle -> Red];
"left travel table"
lw2[t_] := Line[{w2[x, t], {x, 4}}];
gw2[t_] := Graphics[{Thick,Blue, lw2[t]}, AspectRatio -> 0.75, Axes -> True,
AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, Ticks -> None];
tw2[t_] := Table[gw2[t], {x, 0, 2*Pi, 0.05}];
pw2[t_] := ParametricPlot[{w2[x, t]}, {x, 0, 2*Pi}, PlotStyle -> Blue];
"Interfering Waves"
" What Mistake i made here i struggled hard with it all way around"
lw3[t_] := Line[{{wr[x, t]}, {x}}]
gw3[t_] := Graphics[{Black, lw3[t]}]
tw3[t_] := Table[gw3[t], {x, -Pi, Pi, 0.05}];
pw3[t_] := ParametricPlot[{wr[x, t]}, {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotStyle -> Black];
"Table to generate motion pic "
td1[t_] := Table[Show[{tw1[t], tw2[t], pw1[t], pw2[t]}, Axes -> True, Frame -> True,
ImageSize -> {600, 400}], {t, 0, 1 - 0.02, 0.02}];
" to export motion pic same place notebook saved"
Export["Inteferance.gif", {td1[t]}];
The plot for the two waves without interfering wave
or removex
from definitions ofw1,
w2, andwr
; that is, usew1[x_, t_] := 6 + Sin[2*Pi*(x - t)]
etc. $\endgroup$