*answer is $x=(10,5)^T$
(a,b) is inner product.
x and y is 2d vector.
Find $\bar{x}$ within the area by the systems of inequality,$K(x)$ s.t.
About inner product of vector F(x) and (y-x),
$F(\bar{x})^T.(y-\bar{x}) \geq 0$ For Any $y$ in $K(\bar{x})$$F(x)=a.x-b$
$K(x)=\bar{K}\space and \space \hat{K}$
$\bar{K}=c.y-d\leq 0$
$\hat{K}=e.y+g.x-h\leq 0$
first,setting the matrix and vector
a = {{2, 8/3}, {5/4, 2}};
b = {{34}, {24.25}};
c = {{-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}};
d = {{0}, {11}, {0}, {11}};
e = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}};
g = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}};
h = {{15}, {15}};
so I want to do like the following)
y = Array[yy, {2}];
x = Array[xx, {2}];
cond1 = # <= 0 & /@ Flatten@(c.y - d);
cond2 = # <= 0 & /@ Flatten@(e.y + g.x - h);
F = Transpose[a.x - b];
target = First@Flatten@(F.(y - x));
SomeFunction[target>=0, And @@ Join[cond1, cond2]]
how to solve the inequality F.(y-x)>=0 using cond1 and cond2?
this returns error:
Solve[{target >= 0, List @@ Join[cond1, cond2]}, Join[x, y]]