i'm having trouble using DSolve for the following equation, which is the position equation of an object moving up a straight hill
My facts are:
g = 9.8
m = 250
u = 0.03
c = 0.74304
And my equation is
DSolve[{ x''[t] == -g*Sin[o]*Cos[o] - (c*x'[t])/m - Cos[o]^2*u*g,
y''[t] == - g + g Cos[o]^2 - (c y'[t])/m-u*g*Sin[o]*Cos[o],
x[0] == 0, y[0] == 0, x'[0] == v0 Cos[o], y'[0] == v0 Sin[o]}, {x[t], y[t]}, t]
I've been checking, and the Built-in guide is not quite useful since the format it suggests does not work for me, if I don't use the [t] at the end while stating the {x,y},t].
thank you!