
I am trying to solve following ODE with Dsolve.

a1[t_] = 2 - 3*Exp[-2*t];
a2[t_] = 1 + Exp[-3*t];
a3[t_] = 4 + Exp[-5*t]

$B=\begin{bmatrix}a1[t] & a2[t] & 0\\a2[t] & a1[t] - a2[t] & 0\\ a3[t] & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$

  X[t_] = {x[t], y[t], z[t]}
system = X'[t] == B.X[t]

which gives

{x'[t],y'[t],z'[t]} == {(2 - 3 E^(-2 t)) x[t] + (1 + 3 E^(-3 t)) y[t],
(1 +E^(-3 t)) x[t] + (1 -E^(-3 t) - 3 E^(-2 t)) y[t], (4+E^(-5 t))x[t]+z[t]}

sol = DSolve[system, {x, y, z}, t]

Mathematica gives output as an input. Can you give any recommendation?

DSolve[x'[t],y'[t],z'[t]} == {(2 - 3 E^(-2 t)) x[t] + (1 + E^(-3 t)) y[t], 
    (1 + E^(-3 t)) x[t] + (1 - E^(-3 t) - 3 E^(-2 t)) y[t], 
    (4 + E^(-5 t)) x[t] + z[t]}, {x, y, z}, t]
  • $\begingroup$ Yours code give me: "DSolve::deqx: Supplied equations are not differential or integral equations of the given functions."? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 17:57
  • $\begingroup$ hi. thank you for reply.i edited the post to become more clear. $\endgroup$
    – cabri61
    Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 18:38
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I do not think there is analytical solution to this. Try numerical. $\endgroup$
    – Nasser
    Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 18:40
  • $\begingroup$ Maple cannot do it, either. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 18:41
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @bbgodfrey.Yes Maple is better for solving differential equations. 12000.org/my_notes/kamek/mma_12_maple_2019/KEse1.htm#x3-20001 $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 13, 2019 at 13:01

1 Answer 1


With help, DSolve can obtain symbolic solutions for {x, y}, after which z can be represented in terms of an integral. It is convenient to start by labeling the three equations,

{eqx, eqy, eqz} = Thread[{x'[t], y'[t], z'[t]} == 
    {(2 - 3 E^(-2 t)) x[t] + (1 + E^(-3 t)) y[t], 
     (1 + E^(-3 t)) x[t] + (1 - E^(-3 t) - 3 E^(-2 t)) y[t], 
     (4 + E^(-5 t)) x[t] + z[t]}];

Then, just as in the question,

DSolveValue[{eqx, eqy, eqz}, {x, y, z}, t]

returns unevaluated. Now, since z appears only in eqz, we might try

DSolveValue[{eqx, eqy}, {x, y}, t]

but it too returns unevaluated. Nonetheless, eliminating y from {eqx, eqy} leads to an equation that can be solved for x.

Solve[{eqx, eqy}, {y[t], y'[t]}] // Flatten // Simplify;
Simplify[D[eqx, t] /. %];
sx = DSolveValue[%, x, t]

(* Function[{t}, E^(1/6 E^(-3 t) (1 + Sqrt[5] + 9 E^t)) (E^t)^(3/2 - Sqrt[5]/2) C[1] + 
   (E^(E^(-3 t)/6 - 1/6 Sqrt[5] E^(-3 t) + (3 E^(-2 t))/2) (E^t)^(3/2 + Sqrt[5]/2) C[2])
   /Sqrt[5]] *)

Then, y is obtained algebraically by

Solve[Simplify[eqx /. x -> sx], y[t]][[1, 1]] // Simplify // Values;
sy = Function[{t}, Evaluate[%]]
(* Function[{t}, -(1/10) E^(1/6 E^(-3 t) (1 - Sqrt[5] + 9 E^t + 6 E^(3 t) t)) 
   (E^t)^(1/2 - Sqrt[5]/2)
   (5 (1 + Sqrt[5]) E^(1/3 Sqrt[5] E^(-3 t)) C[1] + (-5 + Sqrt[5]) (E^t)^Sqrt[5] C[2])] *)

To verify the correctness of these solutions, insert them into the original equations.

Simplify[{eqx, eqy} /. x -> sx /. y -> sy]
(* {True, True} *)

Finally, solve eqz for z.

DSolveValue[eqz /. x -> sx, z[t], t] // Flatten // Simplify;
sz = Function[{t}, Evaluate[%]]
(* Function[{t}, E^t (C[3] + Inactive[Integrate][
   1/5 E^(-(1/6) E^(-3 K[1]) (-1 + Sqrt[5] - 9 E^K[1] + 30 E^(3 K[1]) K[1])) 
   (E^K[1])^(1/2 - Sqrt[5]/2) (1 + 4 E^(5 K[1])) (5 E^(1/3 Sqrt[5] E^(-3 K[1])) C[1] + 
    Sqrt[5] (E^K[1])^Sqrt[5] C[2]), {K[1], 1, t}])] *)

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