
I would like to do an ArrayPlot where, instead of using colors, I can place my own custom images.

I tried something like ArrayPlot[{0,1,0,1}, ColorRules->{0->img1, 1->img2}], but it looks like some sort of average of the image is taken, which is then used as the color.

Is it possible to do this?


2 Answers 2


You can use GraphicsGrid:

{img1, img2} = ExampleData[{"TestImage", #}] & /@ {"Lena", "Mandrill"};
GraphicsGrid[RandomInteger[1, {5, 5}] /. {0 -> img1, 1 -> img2},  Spacings -> 0]

enter image description here

Or replace array entries with ImageData of input images, ArrayFlatten the resulting nested array and use Image on the result:

mat = RandomInteger[1, {5, 5}];
Image[ArrayFlatten[mat /. {0 -> ImageData[img1], 1 -> ImageData[img2]}]] // 
 ImageResize[#, 300] &

enter image description here


You can also use Multicolumn

{img1, img2} = ExampleData[{"TestImage", #}] & /@ {"Lena", "Mandrill"};
Multicolumn[RandomInteger[1, 16] /. {0 -> img1, 1 -> img2}, 
 Spacings -> {0, 0}]

enter image description here


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