I know similar questions have been asked before about bugs in Integrate, but I'm not sure what the particular problem is here (and whether or not there is indeed a bug). When I perform the integral:
Integrate[Sin[k/2]*Exp[-n*Sin[k/2]], {k, 0, Pi}]
I get the answer:
π (-BesselI[1, n] + StruveL[-1, n])
From the following plot, however, one can see that this differs strongly from the numerical result for approximately $n>37$:
DiscretePlot[{π (-BesselI[1, n] + StruveL[-1, n]),
NIntegrate[Sin[k/2]*Exp[-n*Sin[k/2]], {k, 0, Pi}]}, {n, 1, 50}]
I believe the numerical answer is correct in this case by inspecting the area under the following plot:
Manipulate[ Plot[Sin[k/2]*Exp[-n*Sin[k/2]], {k, 0, Pi}, PlotRange ->
All], {n, 1, 50}]
Any ideas about what is going on here (and how I can get a correct symbolic result)? Thanks!