
Suppose I have data like this

 data={{"300+", "300+", "300+", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", 
  "Missing", "Missing", "Missing"}, {"300+", "300+", "0-50", "300+", 
  "51-100", "0-50", "101-200", "0-50", "0-50", "Missing"}, {"300+", 
  "201-300", "0-50", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", 
  "Missing", "Missing", "300+"}, {"300+", "51-100", "0-50", "101-200",
   "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "201-300"}, {"300+", 
  "201-300", "0-50", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", 
  "Missing", "Missing", "Missing"}, {"300+", "0-50", "0-50", "51-100",
   "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "Missing"}, {"300+", 
  "51-100", "0-50", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", 
  "Missing", "Missing", "101-200"}, {"300+", "0-50", "0-50", "51-100",
   "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "101-200"}, {"300+", 
  "101-200", "0-50", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", "Missing", 
  "Missing", "Missing", "Missing"}, {"300+", "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", 
  "0-50", "0-50", "0-50", "Missing", "0-50", "Missing"}};

And I want to make a grid as follows:

   data, ColorRules -> {
            "0-50" -> GrayLevel[0.8],
            "51-100" -> GrayLevel[0.6],
            "101-200" -> GrayLevel[0.4],
            "201-300" -> GrayLevel[0.2],
            "300+" -> GrayLevel[0.],
            "Missing" -> GrayLevel[1]
   ColorFunction -> Automatic, FrameTicks -> Automatic, 
   PlotTheme -> "Detailed", Mesh -> True, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> Large

I want to place symbols in the corresponding boxes based on the following rule:

{"0-50" -> ♜, "51-100" -> ♞, "101-200" -> ♝, 
 "201-300" -> ♛, "300+" -> ♚, "Missing" -> ""}

1 Answer 1

labeling = {"0-50" -> ♜, "51-100" -> ♞,  "101-200" -> ♝, "201-300" -> ♛, 
      "300+" -> ♚, "Missing" -> ""};
epilog = Join @@ MapIndexed[Inset[#, #2 - 1/2]&, Transpose[Reverse@data /. labeling], {2}]
ArrayPlot[data, ColorRules -> {"0-50" -> GrayLevel[0.8], "51-100" -> GrayLevel[0.6], 
      "101-200" -> GrayLevel[0.3999999999999999], 
      "201-300" -> GrayLevel[0.19999999999999996`], 
      "300+" -> GrayLevel[0.], "Missing" -> GrayLevel[1]}, 
  ColorFunction -> Automatic, FrameTicks -> Automatic, 
  PlotTheme -> "Detailed", Mesh -> True, Frame -> True, 
  ImageSize -> Large, Epilog -> {Red, FontSize -> 20, epilog}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ I think the position is still incorrect it need to be rotated 90 degree clockwise. Can you please make the changes as i still don't fully understand how it works. $\endgroup$
    – user13892
    Commented Jun 6, 2018 at 13:22
  • $\begingroup$ @user13892, corrected the positions. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jun 6, 2018 at 13:31

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