This section of my answer previously showed that Export[fname, data, "TSV"]
is incredibly slow (~500 seconds for exporting 10^5 * 10 reals), but this is easily worked around by WriteString[fname, ExportString[data, "TSV"]]
All of this is less relevant for CSV export, as I demonstrated below and the foolishly missed while going on to ramble about TSV export. But even for CSV a small speedup is possible with this workaround.
I would assume that what you mean by "the algorithm behind InputForm
" is defined by low-level code, something like
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
printf("%.*f", DBL_DIG, x);
Where the implementation of that is defined, I do not know, but I would expect that to follow the IEEE-754 standard (Wiki, Official paywall).
Any (finite) binary float can be represented by a terminating sequence of decimal digits, of approximately 52 decimal digits of precision, but (provably) 17 digits are always enough. However...
N @ MachinePrecision
(* 15.9546 *)
1 + $MachineEpsilon
(* 1. *)
InputForm @ %
(* 1.0000000000000002 *)
SetPrecision[%, 16]
(* 1.000000000000000 *)
The second paragraph of section 5.12 of 2008 IEEE-754 clearly states
Implementations shall provide conversions between each supported binary format and external decimal character sequences such that, under roundTiesToEven, conversion from the supported format to external decimal character sequence and back recovers the original floating-point representation, except that a
signaling NaN might be converted to a quiet NaN. See 5.12.1 and 5.12.2 for details.
is compliant with this, though I would expect 44802.39588051865
to be represented as 44802.395880518648
and not to remain as ...865
is not a true conversion to an "external decimal representation", though one could expect it to behave as such. It discards the digit of least precision. Annoyingly, FromDigits
converts back to a rational number.
is quite fast (but not orders of magnitude faster) and it suffers from the same problem as RealDigits
-- it discards the ULP. I'd say, this is blatant non-compliance with the standard. I can no longer reproduce this on my machine. Perhaps DoubleToString
is compliant after all.
ToString@SetPrecision[x, 17]
should give always correct results and is not too bad in terms of speed. In fact, you don't even need ToString
SetPrecision[RandomReal[{0, 1000}, {10^5, 10}], 17], "CSV"] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {20.1076, "test.csv"} *)
Export["test.csv", RandomReal[{0, 1000}, {10^5, 10}], "CSV"] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {15.307, "test.csv"} *)
With[{arr = RandomReal[{0, 1000}, {10^5, 10}]},
Export["test.csv", arr, "CSV"] // AbsoluteTiming]
(* {15.2228, "test.csv"} *)
With[{arr = SetPrecision[RandomReal[{0, 1000}, {10^5, 10}], 17]},
Export["test.csv", arr, "CSV"] // AbsoluteTiming]
(* {19.3445, "test.csv"} *)
RandomReal[{0, 1000}, {10^5, 10}] // AbsoluteTiming // First
With[{arr = RandomReal[{0, 1000}, {10^5, 10}]},
SetPrecision[arr, 17] // AbsoluteTiming // First]
(* 0.026734 *)
(* 0.840021 *)
Basically, generating 10^6
numbers is fast (its timing is negligible), converting them to 17 digits of precision is also very fast, and frankly, I don't think that the unpacked array causes the slowdown in the CSV export. What's more likely, is that there is simply more bytes to write.
Bottom line: Export
is simply that slow.
Here's a not-very-thoroughly-though-out alternative which is already quite a bit faster:
With[{rand = RandomReal[{0, 1000}, {10^5, 10}]},
Block[{arr = SetPrecision[rand, 17], str},
str = Map[ToString, arr, {-1}];
Export["test.dat", StringRiffle[str], "String"]] // AbsoluteTiming]
(* {7.75655, "test.dat"} *)
This can all be much faster if you're prepared to downgrade from 17 to 16 digits of precision - the SetPrecision
and ToString
can be replaced by a single Internal`DoubleToString
You may likely be interested in studying Put
, PutAppend
(which, by the way, generate output in InputForm
) as well as Write
and related functions. They'll likely be somewhat complicated to get to work properly, but can offer large speedups.
This is a work-in-progress which I'll fine-tune a bit over the next few days. In principle, Henrik Schumacher has already made a solution here, but OP apparently had some troubles getting it to work, so I'll show a bare-bones example to get started.
I'm assuming, that a C-compiler is set up and <<CCompilerDriver`
has been executed. Start by creating a directory and creating a file, ExportTable.c
in it with the following code:
#include "WolframLibrary.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <stdio.h>
DLLEXPORT int fastExportCSV(WolframLibraryData libData, mint Argc, MArgument *Args, MArgument Res) {
double* data;
char* fname = MArgument_getUTF8String(Args[0]);
mint i = 0;
mint j = 0;
// mint len; // correct handling of array dimensions still to be implemented
MTensor in = MArgument_getMTensor(Args[1]);
// len = libData->MTensor_getFlattenedLength(in);
data = libData->MTensor_getRealData(in);
FILE * ofile;
ofile = fopen(fname, "w");
for(i = 0; i<100000; i++) {
for(j = 0; j<10; j++) {
fprintf(ofile, "%.*f,", DBL_DIG, data[10*i + j]);
fprintf(ofile, "\n");
Now go over to Mathematica to set everything up there:
lib = CreateLibrary[{"ExportTable.c"}, "ExportTable"]
fastExportCSV = LibraryFunctionLoad[
{"UTF8String", {Real, 2, "Constant"}},
Because the dimensions of the array are hard-coded right now, you have to feed a 2-dimensional Real
array with at least 10^6 elements and the program will write them as a 10^5*10 CSV table. Like so:
RandomReal[{-100, 100}, {10^5, 10}]] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.958084, "D:\\Larkin\\Dev\\LLTutorial\\test2.dat"} *)
Of course, this is duplication of the linked answer, but in simpler, purely C code.
appears to drop the digit which is not precise.x = 44802.395880518658; InputForm@x
DoubleToString. It offers a ~3-4x speedup:
arr = RandomReal[{0, 50000}, 10^6]; AbsoluteTiming[ToString[#, InputForm] & /@ arr] // First AbsoluteTiming[InternalDoubleToString /@ arr] // First
but it also loses the last digit. $\endgroup$NumberForm
double rounding numbers?" $\endgroup$