
I am trying to numerically solve and plot the solution curves $p_i(t) = (x_i(t),y_i(t))$ for $i = 1, 2$ and $3$ of the following system of nonlinear differential equations:

p1[t_] := {x1[t], y1[t]}

p2[t_] := {x2[t], y2[t]}

p3[t_] := {x3[t], y3[t]}

A1[a_, b_, t_] := a*(p2[t] - p1[t])*Exp[b*(p1[t] - p2[t])]*(p2[t] - p1[t])/Norm[p2[t] - p1[t]]

R1[c_, t_] := c/(p2[t] - p1[t])*(p2[t] - p1[t])/Norm[p2[t] - p1[t]]

B1[a_, b_, c_, t_] := A1[a, b, t] - R1[c, t]

A2[a_, b_, t_] :=  a*(p3[t] - p1[t])*Exp[b*(p1[t] - p3[t])]*(p3[t] - p1[t])/Norm[p3[t] - p1[t]]

R2[c_, t_] := c/(p3[t] - p1[t])*(p3[t] - p1[t])/Norm[p3[t] - p1[t]]

B2[a_, b_, c_, t_] := A2[a, b, t] - R2[c, t]

A3[a_, b_, t_] :=  a*(p3[t] - p2[t])*Exp[b*(p2[t] - p3[t])]*(p3[t] - p2[t])/Norm[p3[t] - p2[t]]

R3[c_, t_] := c/(p3[t] - p2[t])*(p3[t] - p2[t])/Norm[p3[t] - p2[t]]

B3[a_, b_, c_, t_] := A3[a, b, t] - R3[c, t]

sls = ParametricNDSolveValue[{p1'[t] == B1[a, b, c, t] + B2[a, b, c, t], p2'[t] == B3[a, b, c, t] - B1[a, b, c, t], p3'[t] == -B2[a, b, c, t] - B3[a, b, c, t], p1[0] == {-1, -1}, p2[0] == {0, 0}, p3[0] == {1, 1}}, {p1, p2, p3}, {t, 0, 100}, {a, b, c}]

However, no functions were specified for output from NDSolveValue. How do I make a plot of the $p_i(t)$ where the coordinates $x_i(t)$ are plotted against the coordinates $y_i(t)$? Any helps are appreciated.


2 Answers 2


The simplest way to fix your code is to remove

p1[t_] := {x1[t], y1[t]};

p2[t_] := {x2[t], y2[t]};

p3[t_] := {x3[t], y3[t]};

from your code (don't forget to Clear[p1,p2,p3]). Next you just need e.g.:

ParametricPlot[sls[1, 1, 1][[1]][t], {t, 0, 100}]

To plot them all in once you can

ParametricPlot[sls[1, 1, 1][t] // Through // Evaluate, {t, 0, 100}, PlotRange -> All]

For example for parameter values $a=b=c=1$:

sls1 = sls[1, 1, 1];

GraphicsRow[ Table[ParametricPlot[(sls1 /. t -> s)[[i]], {s, 0, 100}], {i, 1, 3}]]

enter image description here

You can also visualize the parameter range with

Manipulate[ GraphicsRow[ Table[ParametricPlot[(sls[a, b, c] /. t -> s)[[i]], {s, 0, 100}], {i, 1, 3}]], {a, 0, 10}, {b, 0, 10}, {c, 0, 10}]

  • $\begingroup$ Unfortuntely, Mathematica gives me interpolating functions if I replace {p1,p2,p3} with {x1,y1,x2,y2,z3,y3}. Did you manage to run it without errors? $\endgroup$
    – E4M2227601
    Commented Apr 26, 2018 at 20:40
  • $\begingroup$ Do you get errors if you run the Manipulate command above? $\endgroup$
    – ulvi
    Commented Apr 26, 2018 at 21:00
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, I even get an error for running the sls command. $\endgroup$
    – E4M2227601
    Commented Apr 26, 2018 at 21:20
  • $\begingroup$ In defining sls make sure you use {p1[t], p2[t], p3[t]} as the solution targets as opposed to just {p1, p2, p3}. $\endgroup$
    – ulvi
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 1:46
  • $\begingroup$ You can get them even in one picture by using Manipulate[ ParametricPlot[Evaluate[sls[a, b, c]], {t, 0, T}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}, ImageSize -> Large, AspectRatio -> 1], {{T, 1}, 0, 100}, {{a, 1}, 0, 10}, {{b, 1}, 0, 10}, {{c, 1}, 0, 10}]. Thanks for your and ulvi's efforts. Btw, how do you type in commands when replying someone? $\endgroup$
    – E4M2227601
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 10:38

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