When I do
rotation =Quantity[50.7, (("Radians")/("Seconds"))]
Torque = Quantity[15369, "Meters" "Newtons"]
PuissanceMoteur = Torque rotation
UnitConvert[PuissanceMoteur, "Watts"]
I get the error: Quantity::compat: (Meters Newtons Revolutions)/(Seconds) and Watts are incompatible units
Any explanation ?
Updating a little bit on another inconsistency:
When I do
UnitConvert[rotation, "revolutions"]*rayons[[4]] 2 \[Pi] Quantity[1, "Millimeters"]/Quantity[1, "Revolutions"]
I get:
Quantity[33943.5, ("Millimeters" "Revolutions")/("Seconds")]
However if I declare:
revs = Quantity[1, "Revolutions"]
and then do:
UnitConvert[rotation, "revolutions"]*rayons[[4]] 2 \[Pi] Quantity[1, "Millimeters"]/revs
I get:
Quantity[1, "Revolutions"]
Quantity[33943.5, ("Millimeters")/("Seconds")]
This is wrong as I do exactly the same thing here ?