I'm trying to evaluate the first derivative of the period-3 logistic map for the fixed points in the period 3 window at a specific value of r. I define the period-3 map:
f[r_, x0_] := r*(r*(r*x0(1-x0))*(1-(r*x0(1-x0))))*(1-r*(r*x0 (1-x0))*(1-(r*x0 (1-x0))));
and the derivative of the map:
F1p[r, x0] := Derivative[2, 0][f][r, x0];
Then I get the fixed points at a specified value of r:
s = Solve[f[3.835, x0] == x0 && x0 > 0 , {x0}]
and put these values into a list (table)?:
xx = s[[All, 1, 2]]
What I'm trying to do next is get each fixed point and evaluate the derivative, but the code just outputs the function call and not the output value:
For[i = 1, i < Length[xx], i++, Print[Evaluate[F1p[3.835, xx[[i]]]]]]
outputs something like:
I also just tested my derivative function, and it looks like that is giving the same output as well. What am I doing wrong here?