Somehow I do like kernel-only solutions:
(* see also the github repository here *)
CountNumberOfLinesOfInputCells::usage = "CountNumberOfLinesOfInputCells[dir] counts the number of lines (with default
line length 78) of input cells (at top level) of all notebooks in dir. The operation runs completely in a Mathematica kernel, using only MakeExpression and
some fixes thereof (e.g. input cells are splitted (like Ctrl Shift M) programmatically at newlines, since MakeExpression might not work in such a case.";
Options[CountNumberOfLinesOfInputCells] = {PageWidth -> 78};
CountNumberOfLinesOfInputCells[dirs__, OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[ {files, n},
files = FileNames["*.nb", dirs];
Print["counting lines of ",
Length[files], " files in ", Riffle[Flatten[{dirs}], " "]];
(*TODO: figure out why ParallelTable does not seem to work here; maybe Streams do not parallelize well? *)
Total[Monitor[Table[SlocSingleNB[files[[n]], OptionValue[PageWidth]],
{n, 1, Length[files]}], n]]
SlocSingleNB[(f_String)?FileExistsQ, pagewidth_:78] :=
Quiet[Module[ {inputcells, holdcompletelist, o, tmpfile, le},
inputcells = (Cases[#1, Cell[_BoxData, "Input", ___]] & )[
Flatten[Replace[Get[f], Notebook[z_, ___] :> z] //.
Cell[CellGroupData[{c__Cell}, _]] :> c]];
(* Split inputcells at newlines. This is done because
MakeExpression[#,StandardForm]& @ BoxData[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"SetAttributes", "[", RowBox[{"f", ",", "Listable"}], "]"}], ";"}], "\n",
RowBox[{ RowBox[{"f", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"x", "^", "2"}]}]}]
does not work. This cell can be found in Defintion.nb *)
inputcells =
inputcells //. {Cell[BoxData[{r1__, "\n".., r2__}], "Input", ___] :> Sequence[Cell[
, "Input"], Cell[BoxData[{r2}], "Input"]], Cell[BoxData[{r1__, "\[IndentingNewLine]".., r2__}],
"Input"] :> Sequence[Cell[BoxData[{r1}], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[{r2}], "Input"]]};
(* something is weird with Defition: e.g.
MakeExpression[ RowBox[{"Definition", "[", "f", "]"}], StandardForm]
returns HoldComplete[Null]
Substitution Definition by Identity[Definition] seems to work.
If[ !FreeQ[inputcells, "Definition"],
inputcells = inputcells /.
"Definition" -> "Identity[Definition]"
holdcompletelist =
(MakeExpression[First[#1], StandardForm] //. ErrorBox[err_] :> Sequence[] & ) /@
o = OpenWrite[];
Do[WriteString[o, (StringJoin[ToString[#1, InputForm, PageWidth -> pagewidth],
";\n"] & )[Unevaluated @@ holdcompletelist[[i]]]], {i, Length[holdcompletelist]}];
tmpfile = Close[o];
le = Length[Import[tmpfile, "Lines"]];
This takes a couple of seconds and should count 1690 lines of code of 227 notebooks:
This takes about 10 minutes and counts 13395865 lines of code of 10284 notebooks:
AbsoluteTiming[CountNumberOfLinesOfInputCells[$InstallationDirectory, Infinity]]
is better for Mathematica. What do you think? Mathematica doesn't respect line breaks and tends to put everything on the same line when converting between e.g. InputForm and StandardForm. $\endgroup$StringLength