I'm trying to access lines of code from another Mathematica notebook using NotebookImport
NotebookImport[FileNameJoin@{NotebookDirectory[], "QA.nb"}, _]
Stuff in Notebook that I'm importing from:
My Output is :
RowBox[{RowBox[{"F", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=",
RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["x", SqrtBox["2"]], "+", "1"}]}]], "Code",
CellChangeTimes -> {{3.79913*10^9, 3.79913*10^9}},
CellLabel -> "In[22]:=",
ExpressionUUID ->
"8583411c-4a4d-4f21-86d8-ebfb497b6dfc"], "Trigonometry",
Is there any command that would display simply the line of code or is there any way of simplifying the output to the original line of code?