
I make a circle with radius as below

Ctest = Table[{0.05*Cos[Theta*Degree], 0.05*Sin[Theta*Degree]}, {Theta, 1, 360}] // N;

And herewith is my list of data points

pts = {{0., 0.}, {0.00493604, -0.00994539}, {0.00987001, -0.0198918}, {0.0148019, -0.0298392}, {0.0197318, -0.0397877}, {0.0246596, -0.0497372}, {0.0295853, -0.0596877}, {0.0345089, -0.0696392}, {0.0394305, -0.0795918}, {0.04435, -0.0895453}, {0.0492675, -0.0994999}, {0.0541829, -0.109456}, {0.0590962, -0.119412}, {0.0640075, -0.12937}, {0.0689166, -0.139328}, {0.0738238, -0.149288}, {0.0787288, -0.159249}, {0.0836318, -0.169211}, {0.0885327, -0.179173}, {0.0934316, -0.189137}, {0.0983284, -0.199102}, {0.103223, -0.209068}, {0.108116, -0.219034}, {0.113006, -0.229002}, {0.117895, -0.238971}, {0.122781, -0.248941}, {0.127666, -0.258912}};

I would like to know the intersection between a circle and list data point as shown by figure below. How to make its program automatically? I mean that if one day I would like to change the radius of circle, the program would still work.

enter image description here

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Unclear what is wanted here. Suppose none of the data points are on the circle? What is intended by "intersection"? $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 6, 2018 at 15:17
  • $\begingroup$ Intersection[cTest, l] is what I get from your question, but I assume you mean something else? $\endgroup$
    – SuTron
    Commented Mar 6, 2018 at 15:20
  • $\begingroup$ @Daniel Lichtblau, I want to know the intersection point between a circle and a curve. I used Mathematica v10.3 $\endgroup$
    – SelfA
    Commented Mar 6, 2018 at 15:33
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ What I see from your code is a list of points that lie on a circle, and another list of point. Could you specify exactly what you would like? To find the point of intersection of two interpolating curves? $\endgroup$
    – anderstood
    Commented Mar 6, 2018 at 15:40
  • $\begingroup$ @anderstood, I want to know the point of intersection between the points of the circle with the points of the curve. $\endgroup$
    – SelfA
    Commented Mar 7, 2018 at 3:35

2 Answers 2


(* "10.3.1 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (December 9, 2015)" *)

Ctest = Table[{0.05*Cos[Theta*Degree], 
     0.05*Sin[Theta*Degree]}, {Theta, 1, 360}] // N;

pts = {{0., 
    0.}, {0.00493604, -0.00994539}, {0.00987001, -0.0198918}, \
{0.0148019, -0.0298392}, {0.0197318, -0.0397877}, {0.0246596, \
-0.0497372}, {0.0295853, -0.0596877}, {0.0345089, -0.0696392}, \
{0.0394305, -0.0795918}, {0.04435, -0.0895453}, {0.0492675, \
-0.0994999}, {0.0541829, -0.109456}, {0.0590962, -0.119412}, \
{0.0640075, -0.12937}, {0.0689166, -0.139328}, {0.0738238, \
-0.149288}, {0.0787288, -0.159249}, {0.0836318, -0.169211}, \
{0.0885327, -0.179173}, {0.0934316, -0.189137}, {0.0983284, \
-0.199102}, {0.103223, -0.209068}, {0.108116, -0.219034}, {0.113006, \
-0.229002}, {0.117895, -0.238971}, {0.122781, -0.248941}, {0.127666, \

reg = RegionIntersection[Line[Ctest], Line[pts]]

(* Point[{{0.0222112, -0.0447938}}] *)

START EDIT: As requested in comment

coord = reg[[1, 1]]

(* {0.0222112, -0.0447938} *)


Graphics[{Thick, Blue, Line[Ctest], Gray, Line[pts], Red, 
  AbsolutePointSize[5], reg}, Axes -> True]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your help. I get it. Anyway, How to take the number only (delete word "Point") $\endgroup$
    – SelfA
    Commented Mar 6, 2018 at 15:58

Here is another solution, which does not interpolate and search for the intersection, but instead finds the next nearest points of the circle data and the data from the list pts:

Ctest = Table[{0.05*Cos[Theta*Degree], 
    0.05*Sin[Theta*Degree]}, {Theta, 1, 360}];

pts = {{0., 
    0.}, {0.00493604, -0.00994539}, {0.00987001, -0.0198918}, \
{0.0148019, -0.0298392}, {0.0197318, -0.0397877}, {0.0246596, \
-0.0497372}, {0.0295853, -0.0596877}, {0.0345089, -0.0696392}, \
{0.0394305, -0.0795918}, {0.04435, -0.0895453}, {0.0492675, -0.0994999}, 
{0.0541829, -0.109456}, {0.0590962, -0.119412}, {0.0640075, -0.12937}, 
{0.0689166, -0.139328}, {0.0738238, -0.149288}, {0.0787288, -0.159249}, 
{0.0836318, -0.169211}, {0.0885327, -0.179173}, {0.0934316, -0.189137}, 
{0.0983284, -0.199102}, {0.103223, -0.209068}, {0.108116, -0.219034}, 
{0.113006, -0.229002}, {0.117895, -0.238971}, {0.122781, -0.248941}, 
{0.127666, -0.258912}};

nearestFromCircle = Flatten[Nearest[
    Ctest -> {"Element", "Distance"}, pts, {1, Infinity}], 1];

circlePoint = 
  Select[nearestFromCircle, #[[2]] == 
     Min[nearestFromCircle[[All, 2]]] &];

nearestFromPts = Flatten[Nearest[
    pts -> {"Element", "Distance"}, Ctest, {1, Infinity}], 1];

ptsPoint = 
  Select[nearestFromPts, #[[2]] == Min[nearestFromPts[[All, 2]]] &];

alldata = Partition[Flatten[{Ctest, pts}], 2];

{xmin, xmax} = MinMax[alldata[[All, 1]]];
{ymin, ymax} = MinMax[alldata[[All, 2]]];

g1 = ListPlot[pts, PlotStyle -> Blue];
g2 = ListPlot[Ctest, PlotStyle -> Red];

Show[g1, g2, 
 Epilog -> {{PointSize[Large], Blue, 
    Point[ptsPoint[[1, 1]]]}, {{PointSize[Large], Red, 
     Point[circlePoint[[1, 1]]]}}}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, 
 PlotRange -> {{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}}]

enter image description here

The two nearest points are:

circlePoint[[1, 1]]
{0.021918557339453873`, -0.044939702314958356`}


ptsPoint[[1, 1]]
{0.0246596`, -0.0497372`}

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