I have several functions f_i[a,b,x] I would like to export as an .avi file. They should be plotted with x as the variable and multiple arbitrary parameter pairs {{a1,b1},{a2,b2},...} of the animation. What I tried so far:
Export ["testfile.avi", Table[Table[{
Plot[Sin[(a + x/2)*x], {x, 0, 30}],
Plot[Cos[(a + x/2)*x], {x, 5, 30}],
Plot[b*Cos[(a + x/2)*x + b], {x, 5, 30}]}], {a, 0.1, 1, 0.1}]]
This gives an .avi file where the parameter a is run from 0.1 to 1 in steps of 0.1. However, I would like to have an .avi file, where the plots with the arbitrary parameter pairs {{a1,b1},{a2,b2},...} are displayed in the individual frames. How is the syntax for this?
I do have a table of the parameter pairs in Excel. Is there any way to import them conviniently?
P.S.:The actual functions are a bit more complicated, so this is a simplified example in case you are wondering.
PlotLabel[ ToString[a]<>","<>ToString[b]]
work for you? $\endgroup$